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For Immediate Release

May 20, 2017
Contact: Dave Jacobson, (818) 943-2348
Maclen Zilber, (510) 508-9142
Jacobson & Zilber Strategies


SACRAMENTO, CA — Tonight, Eric C. Bauman was elected as Chair of the California Democratic Party. The vote took place at the California Democratic Party’s convention at the Sacramento Convention Center.

Upon hearing the news, Bauman released the following statement:

“I am so humbled to be elected as the next Chair of the California Democratic Party.

“I want to thank the amazing coalition of organized labor, Young Democrats, and grassroots activists – both new and old – who have put their faith in me and entrusted me with this most awesome of responsibilities.  California must remain the bastion of resistance against Donald Trump, and the shining beacon of hope, leading the way, pushing the envelope on progressive policy for the rest of the nation to follow.

“Kimberly Ellis and Lenore Albert Sheridan are fierce and worthy competitors. They gave voice to a vast and growing segment of the Party that hasn’t always felt listened to or valued, and to their supporters, I want to say directly that you will have a seat at the table in the California Democratic Party.  My fellow officers and I are committed to working with you to make our Party representative of our grassroots base and ensure we stand up for those most in need.

“Regardless of the outcome of today’s election, and regardless of the fact that we have proven that California is the one place in the nation that knows how to do it right – there is no denying that there is a problem when so many of our hardworking activists feel that they are not welcome within our Party and that they have been slighted and shut out of the process.  We cannot win the vital elections in 2018 and beyond without the energy, commitment and participation of every part of our Democratic family.

“I look forward to working with each and every one of you.  Now let’s go show America and the world what it means to be a Democrat!”

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