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*** No candidate for Lt. Governor has been endorsed by the CDP ***

Eleni is going to break through a glass ceiling and become the first woman ever elected Lt. Governor in California. But she can only win with your help. 

Tomorrow is the last major fundraising deadline before the June Primary, and we are still short of reaching our goal. Can you make your contribution right now?

In case you missed the CALMatters article this week, Kounalakis said, ‘I’ve primarily taken contributions from individuals, many women who are excited about electing the first woman ever to be lieutenant governor of California…’”

We definitely feel the excitement building.

Women across this state are uniting behind Eleni’s campaign – because she is qualified, experienced, and the courageous leader California needs right now. She has earned the endorsement of CA National Organization for Women (NOW), EMILY’s List, California Women’s List, National Women’s Political Caucus, California Legislative Women’s Caucus, and local women’s groups throughout the state.

Senator Kamala Harris, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Congresswomen Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Doris Matsui, Nanette Barragan, and Carolyn Maloney, and so many state and local leaders are also lining up to support this campaign.

And now, we need YOU. Please make a donation before the deadline tomorrow night.

Thank you, 

Aleksandra Reetz

Finance Team
