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Abortion bans. Attacks on healthcare. And now, it’s refusing to provide treatment altogether. This must stop.


Today, the Trump administration published their “refusal rule,” allowing healthcare providers to refuse medical treatment to women, LGBTQ individuals, and Americans across the country. 


You bet we’re suing. We live in 2019, not 1920. 



The Hill: Just In: Trump admin sued for rule protecting healthcare providers who refuse service based on religious belief


I filed this lawsuit for people like Adrian, and countless other Americans whose health is on the line. 

I changed his name to protect his privacy, but Adrian is real. A few days prior to a hysterectomy procedure, Adrian’s religiously-affiliated hospital in Northern California canceled the surgery. 


Why? Because Adrian is a transgender man.


The administration’s new rule seeks to allow scenarios like this everywhere. Transgender individuals unable to get surgery. Women denied healthcare. A gay man unable to get treatment. 



We must stand up to these attacks on life-saving healthcare. For Adrian, and people everywhere, today we’re doing just that. 






Xavier Becerra -- California Attorney General

Becerra for Attorney General 2022
777 South Figueroa Street
Suite 4050 Los Angeles, CA 90017-5864


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From all of us at Team Becerra, thanks for your support!