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Today was a historic moment for the United States. As President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took their oaths of office, I felt relieved beyond words to know that together we restored honor, decency and competent leadership to the highest offices of the land. Just like President Clinton, I feel like I can sleep again. 

The inauguration of California’s own Kamala Harris as our first woman Vice President is cause for great excitement. The daughter of immigrants, and the first Black and South Asian Vice President, her story is the story of our great state and our great country. I find so much joy in knowing that after today, millions of young children will grow up finding it perfectly normal to have a Madame Vice President. As my friend Kamala often says, she may be the first but she certainly won’t be the last. 

As the country continues to battle the darkest part of the COVID-19 pandemic, California’s leaders can look forward to working with a federal administration who will tell the truth, help us quickly generate and distribute vaccines, and beseech all Americans to PLEASE wear a mask.

Today President Biden said, “Here is my message to those beyond our borders: America has been tested and we have come out stronger for it”. Let’s go forward toward a stronger, better future for our country and our beautiful state of California. 


– Eleni 


P.S. Check out the link below for my interview with Fox LA on today’s historic inauguration






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