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FIRST: The California Republican Party set up unauthorized and unofficial ballot drop boxes.
THEN: Xavier issued a cease and desist order to force the GOP to stop misleading voters and stop operating these unofficial ballot drop boxes.
NOW: Trump is tweeting about Xavier, saying Democrats have been “taking advantage of the system for years!”

Trump tweet

The only folks being “taken advantage of” right now are the American people; These days, it seems President Trump and his Republican allies will do just about anything to attack our rights and values. 
Not on Xavier’s watch. As your Attorney General, its Xavier’s job to defend YOUR rights — your healthcare rights, your civil rights, and YOUR fundamental right to vote. 
President Trump’s unhinged tweets and attempts to interfere with the voting process cannot be tolerated, Jeff. If you agree, help us ensure California continues to have an Attorney General who will always protect your rights and values:
Thank you, 
Team Becerra


Thank you for supporting Xavier Becerra. Grassroots supporters like you help us protect California’s working families, advance criminal justice reform, and keep our communities safe. 

Emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with our top supporters. If we’re going to protect and serve the people of California, we need you with us every step of the way. 

To keep up to date with Xavier’s fight against Trump in court, click here. 

From all of us at Team Becerra, thanks for your support!