Devin Nunes Attacks Central Valley Seniors…Again
Fresno, CA (Aug. 20, 2018) – Devin Nunes is back again from the push of lobbyists at advancing legislation in Congress that attacks seniors he is supposed to represent.
H.R. 4822, the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act, requires the public sector defined benefit pension systems like the City of Fresno Retirement Systems (CFRS) to calculate liabilities using the rate of return on U.S. Treasury bonds. H.R. 4822 will raise costs for employees and local governments to fund Public pensions and not actually reduce any risks.
Ultimately, this bill will be a waste of taxpayer dollars and have a horrible impact on the retirement community here in the Central Valley. Andrew Janz strongly opposes this legislation and is urging lawmakers to do the same.
Letter from the City of Fresno Retirement Systems to their members and retirees.
Devin Nunes is the 8-term incumbent for California Congressional District 22 who became a national lightning rod after his midnight trip to the White House in 2017. Most recently Devin Nunes has come under national and local scrutiny for his most recent ethical missteps in spending thousands of campaign dollars on Boston Celtics tickets, wine tours, and Las Vegas getaways.