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Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
The start of 2019 is just a few days away, and after important Democratic gains this year, you just know that Trump and Republican leaders can’t wait to ramp up their efforts to rig election maps and restrict voting rights to try to stay in power.

Their desperate and undemocratic agenda is already impacting voters in states like Wisconsin and Michigan where Republican legislatures are ignoring the will of voters and stripping incoming Democrats of power. And in South Carolina, Republicans are planning to CANCEL their 2020 presidential primary to try to protect Trump from a challenger.

The Republican assault on democracy is offensive, but it will not go unchallenged. We will continue to hold Trump and Republicans accountable, but we need your help to fight the Republican voter suppression agenda.

That’s why we’re kicking off our 2019 Membership Drive early with a goal of 750 new members before the end of this year. If we reach our goal, we’ll be kicking off 2019 with momentum and the strength to challenge the GOP at every step and build winning campaigns for Democrats in 2019 and 2020.

Activate your 2019 DASS Membership today by pitching in $5 or more before our end-of-year deadline and help us fight for voting rights!

Activate your 2019 DASS Membership now and help fight back against Trump and the GOP!

If you’ve saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

Thank you,

Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State
Chair, Democratic Association of Secretaries of State


DASS is a national organization supporting the election of Democratic Secretaries of State, who are committed to protecting and preserving voting rights and ballot access for all Americans through fair, honest, open, and accurate elections.

We count on the support from grassroots Democrats like you. Email is a crucial way to stay in touch and keep you informed. Help spread the word by forwarding this email to 3 friends! Click here to like us on Facebook and click here to follow us on Twitter.

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Paid for by Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, Treasurer Nellie Gorbea

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