The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
Over the past 2 weeks, I tried to reach every CDP delegate during my virtual office hours. I was fortunate enough to speak with many of you directly, and for those of you I missed, I left a voicemail. With less than 2 weeks before the 2017 Convention, I would still like to take a moment and talk about what matters most to you in the future of our party.
I want to be the best CA Democratic Party Controller I can be for all of you. I’d like to bring the finances of this party into the 21st century with a mobile app that will transform how clubs and county parties generate low dollar support. I will do everything I can to coordinate with Democratic organizations throughout California to help with localized strategic fundraising meetings. I will continue the Donate Every Month Program and most importantly I will ensure 100% transparency of all CDP finances. We must make our party more inclusive and welcome all who would like to join and participate with us. Therefore, I will create a low or no-cost childcare program for every CDP E-board meeting and Convention. As a father, I understand that access to our party’s meetings should be available to all working mothers and fathers regardless of the cost of childcare.
Please don’t hesitate to tell me how I could be doing better. I really do want to talk with you, so feel free to call my cell phone at (916) 996-2227. Your input is essential to making my candidacy the best it can be. I look forward to speaking with you over the phone or even at Convention.
See you in Sacramento!
Dan Weitzman