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Consumer Federation of California endorses

Dave Jones for Attorney General.

Calls Dave Jones one of nation’s most significant consumer champions.

One of California’s largest and most respected consumer advocacy organizations, the Consumer Federation of California (CFC), has endorsed Dave Jones for Attorney General.

“Dave Jones is one of the most significant consumer champions, not only in California, but the nation,” stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the  Consumer Federation of California.  “As Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones fights against unfair premium hikes and corporate ripoffs, saving consumers and small businesses billions of dollars.  We need an Attorney General with the courage, tenacity and expertise of Dave Jones.  California consumers could not have a better friend in this critical office.  We are pleased to endorse him for Attorney General.”

Founded in 1960, the CFC has been on the forefront of efforts to put consumer protection ahead of corporate profit.  The CFC advocates for consumer protection policy and legislation at the state and federal level.

Consumer protection is a major component of the work done by the Attorney General’s office.  As Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones has challenged deceptive business practices, corporate fraud and abuse.  No one is better prepared to fight for consumers.

“I want to thank the Consumer Federation of California for their confidence and support,” stated Dave Jones.  “But I also want to thank them for being there, year in and year out, as a powerful voice for those who are too often neglected.  I am proud to stand with CFC, and honored that they stand with me.”