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I just got off stage from the only conversation Dianne Feinstein agreed to have with me during this election. She and I had a productive conversation, but one thing remains clear: she doesn’t believe in the power of organizing. She said, “you can march, you can filibuster, and you can talk all night, but it doesn’t change anything – elections do.”

If the senior Senator from California doesn’t believe that organizing, filibustering, and out working Republicans is the job of a senator, she doesn’t deserve to stay in Washington D.C. It’s time for new leadership.

Her excuse for a lack of progress always reverts down to “well we don’t control the chamber and there’s nothing we can do”. It is a shockingly narrow idea of what leadership means.

I believe that the job of the senator from California is to export California values to Washington. To try and get things done and make moral stands, even if we are in the minority. We need to stand up for what we believe in, not just when we’re in the majority, but at all times.

Coming out of this debate, 35% of California are still undecided. Dianne Feinstein can’t crack 50% in any poll that’s been conducted this year. We can absolutely win, but we need a last minute infusion of fundraising to reach all the undecided voters in this magnificent state.


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Thank you for all your help so far, you continue to inspire me.


In solidarity,


Paid for by Kevin de León for Senate


Kevin De León for Senate (ID# C00658773)
3605 Long Beach Blvd., Suite 426
Long Beach CA 90807 United States