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Friend —
My team is having a friendly competition to see who can recruit the most donors to our campaign this week — this is a challenge I can get behind! Would you consider chipping in $1 to our campaign right now? Here’s a personal link that will count toward my goal:
There’s a reason why we’re running a staff challenge right now. We all know we’re about to enter a new phase in this race. With the debates coming up next month, and 23 Democrats all vying to stand out, this is our last chance to lay the groundwork an underdog campaign like ours needs to get ahead. That means opening new offices, recruiting volunteers in key early states, and hiring one last round of grassroots organizers before the summer arrives.
Once the debates start, everything we’ve built together will be put to the test, and the whole country will be watching.
We send emails like this because this moment truly matters, especially for a campaign like ours. Without help from people like you, we don’t have a shot. Unlike other campaigns, we aren’t able to rake in millions of dollars in a single day. And we refuse to take big checks from corporate PACs or D.C. lobbyists. That was a decision we made from the start — and it was the right one.
A staff competition (like the one I’m crashing today!) is at the heart of how we’re building this campaign. We challenge each other. We inspire each other. And at any given moment, one person has the power to lift up another and take the whole team to the next level.
Together, we’re trying to recruit 4,000 more donations before the competition ends on Thursday — if you chip in even just $1 today, you’ll help us get there, and you’ll always be one of the people who founded this campaign before things got real.
You’re the best,  
P.S. It’s a little unfair for me to be part of this competition — being the candidate and all. So I’m including another link for you to chip in to give a boost to our press secretary, Sabrina’s, count.

Paid for by Cory 2020


P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved. 

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible. 

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This campaign is moving quickly. If you want the most up-to-date information, follow Cory on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. 

It’s time for leadership that can reignite our spirit of common purpose. That takes all of us.