Dear Friends,
Each February, we celebrate Black History Month and reflect on the countless contributions that African Americans have made to this nation throughout its history. The history of African Americans in the United States has existed since well before our nation’s founding, and, since then, we have come a long way to living up to the words of our founding document: “liberty and justice for all.” This month, join me in thanking those who contributed to this cause, especially those in the Civil Rights Movement and those who have contributed so much to the San Joaquin Valley.
While there are many worthy individuals in our Valley who deserve recognition, I want to take this opportunity to honor the life of Henry Lemay. Henry’s life story embodies the American dream, and is one of perseverance, hard work, sacrifice, and service to others. Henry’s service in the Korean War, and tireless efforts to help our Valley’s Veterans, serve as an inspiration to us all.
Click here to watch my video celebrating Black History Month and honoring the life of Henry Lemay.
While we have made progress as a nation, we still have a ways to go. The sad reality is that bigotry and racism still exists in parts of this country and our communities. This month should serve as a reminder to recommit ourselves to the goal of equality and prosperity for all.
As we wind down this February, please join me in celebrating the progress we have made as a nation, remaining vigilant in reaching our common goals, and honoring a beloved member of the Valley community, veteran, tireless public servant, and true American hero: Henry Lemay.
To stay up-to-date on the work I am doing in Congress, please sign up for my e-newsletter. As always, please contact my office, if my staff and I can ever be helpful.
Jim Costa
Member of Congress