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This has been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of the week’s activities.

Puerto Rico
Earlier this week, CDP Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall sent out a message asking for help for Puerto Rico. The news has only grown worse since then. A humanitarian disaster is unfolding, and our fellow citizens are facing hardships no American should ever have to face. Most of the Island is without power. Food, medical supplies, and water are in dangerously short supply.

There are more than three million of our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico, and we must stand with them in their hour of need. Please contribute to one of the following relief organizations providing aid to our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico:

2020 Primary News
You probably saw the news this week that Governor Brown has signed legislation moving California’s 2020 Presidential & Statewide Direct Primary to March. California Democrats are the leaders of the national resistance to Trump, and we are defining the progressive agenda for America — as Chair Bauman said, “Our voices need to be heard early in the process.”

But aside from giving California’s Grassroots Democrats a major voice in deciding the Democratic Nominee in 2020, this move has some practical impacts on the CDP and our County Committees, most significantly with respect to the endorsement process timeline. The CDP leadership team is working to identify and mitigate the logistical challenges this move creates, and we will be reporting more on those efforts in the weeks ahead.

The CDP Finance Committee is hard at work developing strategies to promote Dem2018 — The CDP’s sustaining donor program. If you’re not a member of Dem2018, sign up to‌day — our grassroots activists are essential to victory next year, and Dem2018 is a great way to help win the fight for progress in California. If you have questions, comments or ideas about Dem2018, you can submit them to CDP Controller Dan Weitzman here.

High School Democrats Working Group
CDP Secretary Jenny Bach is putting together a working group to develop strategies and projects to reach out to and engage high school-aged Democrats. For more information, or to participate, contact CDP Secretary Jenny Bach.

Platform Committee
The CDP adopts a platform every two years. The CDP Platform Committee is currently working on drafting our new platform, which will be considered and adopted at the CDP State Convention in 2018. We welcome your input and participation through the drafting process. Please note that all testimony and proposals must be submitted in writing. The deadline to submit written testimony and proposals is Frid‌ay, Novemb‌er 17, 2‌017, at 5‌ PM. To submit written testimony and language proposals, please visit the CDP Platform Committee webpage.

Deadlines Approaching – Rules Miscellaneous Issues Subcommittee
The Rules Miscellaneous Issues Subcommittee has issued a draft recommendation report regarding CDP Bylaw amendment proposals referred to the Subcommittee. Interested parties may submit written comments or testimony on this draft recommendation report until Thur‌sday, Octob‌er 5, ‌2017. Written comments may be submitted online via webform on the Rules Committee webpage.

Regional Meetings
CDP Regional Meetings are held across the state prior to the November 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting and are currently underway. For information on the Regional Meeting in your area, please visit the CDP Events webpage.

Endorsement General Information
The CDP Endorsements webpage is up and running at Please visit the Endorsements webpage for information on the 2018 CDP endorsement process. The webpage will be updated periodically as we head into the 2018 election cycle.

In Case You Missed It
CDP Political Director Clark Lee urged our activists to use the new online phonebank set up by Senator Josh Newman’s campaign to defeat the recall, and CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman presented an award to Senator Josh Newman at the Democratic Party of Orange County Truman Dinner.

Josh Newman and Eric C. Bauman


One week closer to 2018!

–CDP Update