Weekly Update – April 06, 2018
It’s been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of this week’s activities.
Dr. King
This week, we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We sent out a message on behalf of the entire CDP team expressing our thoughts on this poignant milestone, including the following:
“He believed in an America where we end poverty for all. He believed in an America where every person is guaranteed quality healthcare, exceptional education, dignified work and a dignified retirement. He believed in an America that uses our influence and wealth to spread peace and justice here at home, and around the world.
And he believed in an America where Black Men and Black Women and all People of Color are respected and valued as proud, patriotic and equal citizens of a just and peaceful nation, free of the disparities in healthcare, education, wealth and justice that continue to fester and poison us. He believed in an America that truly embodies the values of equality, inclusion and opportunity; a country where the lives of innocent people like Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin and Stephon Clark are never taken because the rights to life and liberty are absolute, and are protected for everyone universally.”
You can read the full message here.
Congratulations Sydney Kamlager!
CDP-Endorsed Assembly candidate Sydney Kamlager triumphed in this week’s special election to fill the vacancy in Assembly District 54.
Her election with nearly 70 percent of the vote means she’ll be sworn in as an Assemblymember very shortly, and at this crucial and poignant moment in our history, our entire state will benefit from having a strong, dynamic and effective woman of color with a seat at the table.
We also want to congratulate Luz Rivas and Jesse Gabriel for coming in first place in their contests in AD 39 and AD 45. They will now advance to the Special General Election in June as our endorsed candidates.
You can read Chair Baumans full statement on the Primary results here but one thing is clear: the Big Blue Wave is being formed in California.
And while we’re on the subject of congratulations… CDP Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall is receiving the Selma Rubin Democratic Leadership Award at the Democratic Party of Santa Barbara County’s 10th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner!
The dinner will be on Saturday, April 21 at 6:00 PM at the Historic Carillo Ballroom in Santa Barbara. The program will also feature Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, our CDP-Endorsed candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, as well as Vice Chair Larimore-Hall’s co-honorees, Ethan Bertrand, Paula Perotte and the Central Coast Labor Council.
Everybody loves a weekend in Santa Barbara – purchase your tickets to the dinner here.
And congratulations Vice Chair Larimore-Hall!
For Real Tho… Everyone Loves Santa Barbara
Each year, a select group of students from Santa Barbara City College participate in a one-week immersive internship program, where they get first-hand experience with what it’s like to work in the various staffer jobs in the Capitol. As part of this year’s experience, the students also toured Your CDP Headquarters and met with senior staff from the CDP.
(They also met with our counterparts at the California Republican Party. We offered our sympathies and our white sage for anyone who needed to cleanse the negative energy.)
The students learned about the Party’s structure at the local, state and federal level from Clark Lee and Emma Harper. Tina McKinnor gave an overview of the day to day challenges of running a party as unique and complex as the CDP, and John Vigna talked about the various messages and mechanisms the Party uses to build a relationship with our voters.
It was a fun and candid exchange with some bright and insightful students. Your CDP Team is always happy to make time to meet with student groups and talk to them about our Party and the values that make us Democrats. As always, you can e-mail CDP Operations Director Tina McKinnor to schedule tours, and to reserve the CDP HQ for receptions, conferences and more.
213 days until the Election!
–CDP Weekly Update