New Member Portal
As Democrats, we must be continually striving to improve how we do the work of advancing our progressive values. That’s why we spend so much time training ourselves as activists. That’s why we spend so much time organizing the communities we live in. And that’s why we are always looking to improve the technology that helps us do our jobs as Democratic Activists. This week, we launched a new Member Portal for Delegates as part of that ongoing effort to make sure we’re using every possible tool at our disposal in the fight for our progressive values.
Right now, the Member Portal is set up to make the registration process for Convention faster and more efficient for Delegates. We know that Convention Weekend is already a significant financial expense, so we are doing what we can to ensure Delegates get the most out of the weekend – like reducing the time spent waiting in line to get their credential.
And as time goes on, we will be adding new features to the Member Portal. Registration is a floor, not a ceiling, when it comes to the capabilities of this platform. CDP Staff and Chair Bauman have been working with the folks at Political Data, Inc. to custom-build a system that works better for Delegates, our Accounting & Finance Department, and our Communications and Political Departments.
There are a number of reasons we’re excited about the launch of the new Member Portal (aside from – fingers crossed! – reducing those lines at registration). But the most important reason is this: we wanted to build a platform that empowers our Delegates as leaders of the California Democratic Party. And as the Member Portal grows and expands, we hope you’ll agree that is exactly what this exciting new platform does.