CDP Weekly Update – 5/19/2018
It’s been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of this week’s activities.
Trump’s Comments About ‘Animals’ Were Unthinkable
Trump’s latest assault on basic human decency was to call immigrants ‘animals.’ We’ve released a video response – take a look below, and please share it on Facebook:
Upcoming Deadline – Eric Bradley Deep Blue Grant Applications Due May 31, 2018
Eric Bradley served as CDP Controller, and as a mentor to countless Young Democrats through his decades of service to the CDP.
To honor his memory after his untimely death, the CDP established the Eric Bradley Deep Blue Grant to support Young Democrats and efforts to organize Young Voters. CDP Controller Dan Weitzman recently talked about Eric Bradley, and what we can accomplish by investing in Young Dems and young voters. Check out the video:
Click here to submit an application.
Get Out The Black Vote Rally at the Capitol
CDP Operations Director Tina McKinnor will be headlining the ‘Get Out The Black Vote Rally’ tomorrow, Sunday May 20, on the South Steps of the Capitol.
The event is being organized by the Sacramento NAACP and MAAC UNITE. This will be a great event – if you’re in the Capitol region, this will be a wonderful opportunity to show our support for Black Voters.
Another Damn Shooting
Thoughts and Prayers didn’t work after Columbine. Or Sandy Hook. Or San Bernardino. Or Isla Vista. Or Las Vegas. Or Pulse Night Club. Or Charleston. Or Parkland. Or San Antonio.
Thoughts and prayers won’t bring back Stephon Clark. Or Philando Castile. Or Trayvon Martin.
Thoughts and prayers won’t bring back the tens of thousands of women who’ve been killed because their abusive partner – many of whom were known to law enforcement for being abusive – had ready access to a gun.
Thoughts and prayers won’t bring back the tens of thousands of men and women who put a gun to their own head and pulled the trigger because we don’t provide even the barest minimum of support to people struggling with depression, Post Traumatic Stress, and mental illness.
We are not helpless to fix this problem. This doesn’t have to be our way of life. We shouldn’t have to explain to little babies what ‘sheltering in place’ means or why they need to know how to take cover in closets or under their desks.
There is a way to prevent this. We don’t have to be the only nation where this happens regularly.
We must break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress. As Democrats, we have multiple opportunities to defeat NRA stooges from our own state, and we must redouble our efforts to capture these seats.
And as Americans, we mourn our young brothers and sisters who were killed in Texas yesterday, just as we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost to gun violence in our country.
–CDP Update