Please join us for a virtual meeting for California Democratic Party Region 8 on Saturday, June 27, at 11:30 a.m. See the attached flyer for more details. The agenda is below. Register
June 27, 2020
- Welcome and Introduction:
Special Guests:
- Dr. Angel Bettis, M.D.(Founder of LEGNA Rehabilitative and Support Services Inc.)
- Curtis Wright(Vice President of Student Affairs, Xavier University of Louisiana)
- Kerri Alexander(Education and Public History Fellow, National Women’s Museum)
- CDP Chair Rusty Hicks
Any important updates that we need to know about or any information that he would like to provide.
- Rep. TJ Cox
Federal legislative updates, Updates on Congressional race in CA 21
- Taisha Brown, Chairwoman of the African American Caucus
Any updates for the chair to share.
- Presentation, Open Forum with our Special Guests, Open to many Topics but will be concentrating on the issues regarding
- Disparities in COVID19 in Black and Brown Communities
- Defunding of Police Departments
- Black Lives Matter
- Announcements and Closure
- CDP Coordinated Campaign