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Campaign Update – 5/25/18

In the Race for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Marshall Tuck Stands With This Man:

This week, voters in Republican households began receiving slate cards featuring Marshall Tuck alongside Newt Gingrich, and John Cox,  who Trump just endorsed for Governor.


When called upon to disavow these mailers, Tuck refused. (Tuck sends mailers with President Obama to Democratic households.  President Obama hasn’t endorsed him, FYI).


CDP Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall, in a press statement, said “Tony Thurmond has won the overwhelming support of Democrats for Superintendent of Public Instruction because he champions our progressive values. Marshall Tucks support is limited to ultrawealthy billionaires and rightwing thugs like Newt Gingrich and John Cox…”

CDP Senior Strategist Sandra Lowe sent out an e-alert to our grassroots Democrats with ways they can help Tony Thurmond win on June 5:

This is a crucial fight for California’s kids. We can’t let the billionaires win.

Endorsement Recap

#MaulTheRecall Sprint to the Finish

The Republicans’ lying, cheating recall of Sen. Josh Newman is going down to the wire. We need to do everything we can to stop their shameless power grab. Precinct walks are happening this weekend – RSVP/Get more information here.

Key Upcoming Dates

  • May  25 – Last Day for participating counties to open Vote Centers for Voters – find out more by visiting
  • May  29 – Last day to request Vote By Mail Ballot
  • June 1 – June 4 – Get Out The Vote
  • June 5 – Primary Election!
  • July 13 – July 15CDP Executive Board, Oakland