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The Fresno Bee says: Don’t be fooled.

“Be smarter, Fresno. Don’t fall for the untruths
& straw-man arguments against Measure P”

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By Marek Warszawski – The Fresno Bee

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Dear ‘Yes On P’ Supporter,

We are only 10 days away from the election that will decide the future of our city’s parks. Some of you may have heard misinformed or fear-based arguments against Measure P. Marek Warszawski picks apart these inaccuracies in his latest column in the Fresno Bee.

Don’t be fooled. Measure P will enhance both our parks AND public safety.

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Please consider volunteering these next 10 days so voters have accurate information on Measure P. Sign-up online and select a 3-hour shift. The future of Fresno depends on people like you stepping up and making a difference!

YES ON P = Pro-Parks AND Pro-Safety

Paid for by Yes on P, Fresno for Clean, Safe Neighborhood Parks: A Coalition of Parents, Seniors, and Community Leaders, Sponsored by the Central Valley Community Foundation; committee major funding from:
David L. McDonald
Central Valley Community Foundation
Lyles Foundation


Yes On P – Fresno for Parks · 5260 N Palm Ave #122 · Fresno, CA 93704 · USA

Children’s hospitals across our state endorse Measure P!

Dear ‘Yes On P’ Supporter,

You may have heard that Valley Children’s Hospital and Saint Agnes Medical Center both endorse Measure P – but have you also heard that the entire California Children’s Hospital Association (CCHA) also endorses our measure?

A growing number of healthcare leaders and local physicians are in agreement on the importance parks play in the health of a community, and are urging our city to vote YES ON P!

“On behalf of the California Children’s Hospital Association (CCHA), it is my pleasure to endorse Measure P, which would provide support for the investment and maintenance of public parks in the City of Fresno. We know that access to safe, public parks encourages children to be active, which in turn reduces the risk of obesity and it concomitant diseases, such as diabetes. Beyond that, however, multiple studies indicate that spending time outdoors provides a wide range of additional benefits to children and families, including improved motor strength and coordination, reduced feelings of sadness and anger, and increased levels of Vitamin D. In fact, the health benefits of nature are so significant that physicians at our hospitals now counsel the families of our patients on the importance of visiting parks and in some cases prescribe visits to parks as a way to improve health and lower stress for children and families.

For all of these reasons, CCHA is happy to endorse Measure P.”

– Ann-Louise Kuhns, President and CEO of CCHA

Read more here:

Join with children’s hospitals across California in supporting Measure P, and vote YES on November 6th!

YES ON P = A Healthy Community!

Paid for by Yes on P, Fresno for Clean, Safe Neighborhood Parks: A Coalition of Parents, Seniors, and Community Leaders, Sponsored by the Central Valley Community Foundation; committee major funding from:
Central Valley Community Foundation
David L. McDonald
Lyles Foundation


Fresno for Parks · 5260 N Palm Ave #122 · Fresno, CA 93704 · USA

Six ways you can help the campaign.

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6 ways you can help.

Dear Yes On P Supporter,

There are only 18 days left till the election, and ballots have already dropped for many Fresno voters. Have you done your part to help pass Measure P? If you’ve been wanting to get involved, now is the time.

Here are the six best ways you can help the

Yes On P Campaign:

1. Knock on doors. Canvassing is our #1 campaign need, and we are looking for supporters who are willing to spend an afternoon or an evening telling neighbors about the benefits of Measure P. We provide training, a precinct map / house list, and materials. Sign-Up Online.

2. Get a yard sign. Show your neighborhood support for Yes On P with a small yard sign. If you own commercial property on a high-traffic street in Fresno and want a larger 4’x4′ sign, reply and let us know. Learn more online.

3. Volunteer at an event. There are several community events coming up in the next 18 days where we could use volunteer help. Reply to this email with your interest and we will send you a list of event opportunities.

4. Monitor local media. We need volunteers who can listen to local, talk radio stations and let us know when Measure P is being discussed. Call-in to provide your point of view, or let us know so we can make sure accurate information is being shared. Reply to this email and we’ll get you on the media monitoring schedule.

5. Donate. Your contribution to the Yes On P campaign will help ensure we have the resources needed to communicate with Fresno voters about our efforts to bring cleaner, safer neighborhood parks to Fresno. Donate online.

6. Vote. By mail or on November 6th, vote YES on Measure P!

Paid for by Yes on P, Fresno for Clean, Safe Neighborhood Parks: A Coalition of Parents, Seniors, and Community Leaders, Sponsored by the Central Valley Community Foundation; committee major funding from:
Central Valley Community Foundation
David L. McDonald
Lyles Foundation.


Fresno for Parks · 5260 N Palm Ave #122 · Fresno, CA 93704 · USA

Meet Our Candidates – Local

Fresno Board of Supervisors District 3: Sal Quintero

Fresno City Council District 2: Mike Karabassi

Fresno City Council District 2: Oscar Sandoval

Fresno City Council District 4: Tyler Maxwell

Mayor of Fresno: Andrew Janz

Mayor of Fresno: Elliot Balch