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Brett Kavanaugh

After watching Republican senators’ shameful performance during this week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, it is a moral imperative for Democrats to take back control of Congress this November.

Democrats/Join us.

After watching Republican senators’ shameful performance in this week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, I’m more certain than ever that it is a moral imperative for Democrats to take back control of Congress this November and the White House in 2020.

Chuck Grassley shouldn’t be chairing a congressional committee. People like Lindsey Graham shouldn’t be Senators. People like Donald Trump shouldn’t be appointing anyone to a lifetime term on our nation’s highest court., Lindsey Graham and their Republican colleagues have shown that they have no interest in seriously investigating the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh — and Donald Trump has demonstrated time and again that he lacks the temperament and judgment to make an appointment to our highest court.

My promise to you as CEO of the Democratic National Committee is that I will do every last thing in my power in the next 39 days to fight back against these Republicans. Right now, I’d like to ask for your help.

This Sunday is the final end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day, and every contribution made before Sunday at midnight will help Democrats take back Congress this November. If we do that, we can exert some real checks on this president and stop him from pushing through more extreme Supreme Court nominees.

Taking action now is the only way we’ll be able to make our elected officials represent our values.

Thank you.


Seema Nanda
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee


If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we’d love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Standing in solidarity with survivors

Fellow Democrats, 


Today, people across the country wore black in solidarity with the survivors of sexual assault, most notably Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and walked out of their jobs in protest of the shameful way our society treats sexual assault survivors. 


Dr. Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh have thrown his nomination to the Supreme Court in jeopardy – to say nothing of implicating him as a perjurer. But today’s demonstration wasn’t about the Supreme Court or Brett Kavanaugh.


Today’s demonstration was about Dr. Blasey Ford, and the tens of millions of women and men like her who survive sexual assault, only to be met with skepticism and outright attacks when they come forward to tell their stories and seek justice.


Let’s be absolutely clear: there is never a time when sexual assault is okay.


There is never a time when “boys will be boys” is an acceptable excuse for sexual assault, and there’s never been a locker room where talking about sexual assault is acceptable.


Most importantly, there has never been a more critical moment for Democrats to speak out for, and proudly stand with, survivors of sexual assault. 





With the way shameful way Republican elected officials have treated Dr. Blasey Ford, and responded to the #MeToo movement in general, it’s absolutely clear that Democrats must retake Congress to ensure that survivors of sexual assault receive the support and justice they deserve. 


Thank you to everyone who took part in today’s demonstration – and to the Democratic candidates and elected officials who are fighting hard to create a society where sexual assault is never tolerated, and where survivors are given the support and respect they deserve. 


Democratically Yours, 



Eric C. Bauman, RN, Chair
California Democratic Party

Online Donations for Sun-Maid Workers!


Fresno, Madera, Tulare & Kings AFL-CIO

Thursday, September 24, 2018



Donate to Sun-Maid Workers Today!



Union and Community Members,

An online account has been developed to keep our sisters and brothers at Sun-Maid Raisins strong in their fight for affordable healthcare!




More than 500 workers were forced off the job during peak raisin season at one of the Valley’s largest multi-billion dollar companies. The new CEO at Sun-Maid Raisins is defining the value of his employees by the cost of their healthcare, not their production and years of service. He is determined to break the workers spirits by refusing to give them affordable healthcare heading into the holiday season. Now he is sending propaganda to the workers suggesting that they decertify the Teamsters union from representing them. 



– Teamsters 431

Bring food, water and supplies to help feed the workers holding the line @ 13525 S Bethel Ave, Kingsburg, CA 93631



Fresno, Madera, Tulare & Kings AFL-CIO
(559) 275-1151
3485 W Shaw Ave # 101 Fresno, CA 93711

Can you commit 4 hours to build a better Fresno?


Give 4 Hours.

Help us spread the word about #YesOnP and build a better Fresno.

The #YesOnP campaign office is buzzing, and our #1 goal is to rally community support so we can pass Measure P in November. In order for us to reach our targets, we need volunteers to help canvass, walking door-to-door in teams of two, to help get the word out about all the incredible benefits Measure P will bring to Fresno.


You gave us your signature, now we need your time.
Can you commit to 4 hours to walk & knock with a friend?

Help pass #YesOnP!


Sign up online and help us create clean, safe neighborhood parks throughout Fresno! If you can’t walk, please consider a donation to help cover the cost of canvassing in your neighborhood.

“As a developer, I have witnessed the disparity in green space in our community first hand. We must invest in Fresno to create access regardless of zip code. By improving our parks and trails, Measure P will not only improve the lives, but property values, and make it easier to recruit businesses and retain employees and investors. Our community will be safer from property crime and violence when we invest in better opportunities for our youth. I also write this as a father and grandfather. I am proud to stand in support of Yes on P.”
– Mehmet Noyan, President of The Noyan Company





Paid for by Yes on P, Fresno for Clean, Safe Neighborhood Parks: A Coalition of Parents, Seniors, and Community Leaders, Sponsored by the Central Valley Community Foundation; committee major funding from:
Central Valley Community Foundation
Lyles Foundation
​Paul Gibson, Joan Eaton & Affiliated Entities


Fresno for Parks · 5260 N Palm Ave #122 · Fresno, CA 93704 · USA

CDP Campaign Update




State Candidates


US Congress





CDP Weekly Update




Its been another productive week for Your CDP Team. See below for a recap of this weeks activities. 


Important Notice About Information & Cyber Security


CDP Political Director Clark Lee has released a critical memo about information and cyber security to CDP Central Committee leadership, candidates and campaign staff leaders. You can read the memo by clicking here. The memo contains an overview of steps we are urging be taken immediately by all campaigns to ensure the integrity of their data and operations.  
As we get closer and closer to November 6, and as our candidates like Katie Hill, Andrew Janz, TJ Cox and Josh Harder (to name a few) continue to surge in Republican districts, we cannot ignore the possibility of a major, coordinated effort to disrupt the Big Blue Wave.
Taking the simple steps outlined in the memo – especially at the Democratic Club and Caucus level – will dramatically improve our odds of preventing or resisting a major cyber attack. Some of the steps are as easy as using secure messaging services like Signal, which all CDP staff members have been directed to download and use for campaign-related messages.  
Take some time and read the memo – with so much on the line, we need to take these critical steps to protect ourselves from the bad actors who seek to subvert our Party and our democracy.  
(And one last thing to remember… technology is just a tool to help us to win. Nothing elects Democrats like good ol’ fashioned door knocking and phone banking, and every voter we talk to is a voter we can inoculate against the twitter bots).


Celebrating the Big Blue Wave with Gavin Newsom


Last Friday night, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom joined CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman in Hollywood to celebrate the hardworking activists who are making the Big Blue Wave a reality!
Hundreds of activists turned out, and there was a hopeful, almost electric, current of optimism running through the room – not only about what California is doing to lead the Resistance, but what we can do to build on the progressive agenda if Gavin Newsom is elected Governor in November.
We are truly blessed to have such a talented, proven, visionary candidate like Gavin Newsom leading the top of our ticket. And we know he will achieve great things with his (prospective) partners in the Legislature, Senate President pro Tem Toni G. Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.
California has been a showcase for global, progressive leadership these last eight years under Governor Brown, and we know that will continue to be true under Governor Newsom. 


New Podcast Episode Coming Soon!


Episode 2 of the CDP’s new podcast will be dropping very soon! Featuring President Obama’s remarks at the rally in Orange County, let the soothing tones of the Greatest President Of Our Lifetime inspire your commute home/gym routine/turf cutting. Click here to subscribe.


Reminder – E-Board Registration is Now Open


Registration and the CDP room block at the Westin Long Beach are now open.  Information about programming, schedule and agenda will be made available once finalized. 


–CDP Weekly Update