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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

District 1 Residents, 

Happy New Year! Wishing you a year full of happiness and success.

Please enjoy the holiday safely by getting boosted and wearing a mask, so that you and all your loved ones may have a healthy 2022.


Residentes del Distrito Uno, 

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Deseándole un año lleno de felicidad y éxito.

Disfrute de las vacaciones de manera segura recibiendo su vacuna de refuerzo y usando una máscara, para que usted y todos sus seres queridos puedan tener un 2022 saludable.


Contact our office with any questions at (559) 621-7817 or at 

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Copyright © Paid for by Soria for City Council 2018
 FPPC # 1402344, All rights reserved.

Our City Hall mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Hall, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721

2022 is here! So, let’s get to work!

2022 is here! So, let’s get to work!

California Democrats –

Happy New Year!

As we usher in a new year, let’s remember that 2022 is an election year.

New federal, state, and local districts have been drawn across the State. Many ballot measures have qualified and there are plenty more on the way. So, the stakes are incredibly high – not just here in California, but across the Nation.

As California Democrats, we must lead the rest of the country to victory in 2022. We do it by engaging 10 million Democrats to connect with voters by any means necessary. If we do the hard work it takes to win, I know that our Democracy will be better because of us.

Today, let’s celebrate 2022. But, tomorrow, let’s get to work!

Democratically Yours,

Rusty Hicks

Rusty Hicks for Chair · 777 S Figueroa St Ste 4050 · Los Angeles, CA 90017-5864 · USA

2021 End of the Year Report

2021 End of the Year Report

News from Representative Costa

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Dear Friend,

I’ve worked hard to deliver results for the people of our Valley – from fixing our crumbling infrastructure to tackling the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. It’s been a tough year, but we have accomplished a lot.

This year, Congress passed two historic bills, the American Rescue Plan and the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which deliver critical investments for COVID-19 relief, improve our quality of life, and safeguard our economy. In addition, I helped provide significant investments for water, healthcare, agriculture, veterans, and crime survivors.

There is still more work to do. Democrats are determined to pass the Build Back Better Act, a once-in-a-generation package of legislation that invests in the livelihoods of the American people: from lowering everyday costs that burden working families to expanding affordable healthcare, creating jobs, and combatting the threats of climate change. We also must address immigration, voting rights, and housing inequities.

As we move forward, I will continue to work to advance your interests and address your concerns in our nation’s capital. Please remember that my staff and I are here to help. If my office can assist you, please contact us.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season! May the new year bring our country good tidings and better health.


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

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Fresno Office
855 M Street
Suite 940
Fresno, CA 93721

Merced Office
2222 M Street
Suite 305
Merced, CA 95340

Washington, DC
2081 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515


 Privacy Policy



Happy Holidays from District 3!

Happy Holidays from District 3!

Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season and a most prosperous and healthy New Year!

¡Les deseo unas felices fiestas y un Año Nuevo próspero y saludable!

-Miguel Arias

Our District 3 office will be closed on Friday, December 24, and Friday, December 29. We will reopen on the following Mondays.  For any neighborhood issues, you can report by calling 3-1-1, FresGO app, our office at (559) 621-7832 or

With this investment, we are calling on our community partners to collaborate with the City to ensure Fresno fully recovers from the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic.

Community-Based Organization proposals will be accepted through January 31, 2022.


The City Administration has introduced a Text Amendment: Neighborhood Industrial Overlay for public review. The overlay proposal aims to preserve existing uses for parcels currently zoned mixed-use, but where the use and zoning are not aligned. The text amendment will be heard by all Council District Project Review Committees and the Planning Commission before coming to City Council.

We have requested that the District 3 Committee meeting be heard after the holidays to ensure our residents are able to engage in the discussion. District 3’s Committee meeting will meet virtually on January 25th at 5:30 p.m.

More details and Zoom link to come.


FUSD schools will be offering free meals to anyone — you don’t have to be a current student — up to 18 years old during Dec. 21-23, Dec. 28-30, and Jan. 3-6. from 7:30-8:30 am. Youngsters will be able to pick up their meals at specific school sites.

Las escuelas del FUSD ofrecerán comidas gratis a cualquier persona, no es necesario que sea un estudiante actual – hasta los 18 años – durante el 21 al 23 y el 28 al 30 de diciembre, y el 3 al 6 de enero de 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Los jóvenes podrán recoger sus comidas en sitios escolares específicos.

Beginning Monday, Dec. 20 warming centers will be open when there is inclement weather or when temperatures reach 38 degrees or below throughout the holidays.

FREE FAX bus rides Mon. – Fri. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. & Sat. – Sun. 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. for people heading to a warming center.

A partir del lunes 20 de diciembre, los centros de calentamiento estarán abiertos cuando cuando el clima esté frío (38 grados o menos) durante las vacaciones.
Viajes en autobús FAX son GRATIS de lunes a viernes de 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. & sabado a domingo de 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. para personas que se dirigen a un centro de calentamiento.

Extended Deadline! Tuesday, February 7, 2022, by 2:00 p.m.

The Fresno Arts Council and the City of Fresno are looking for a Consultant to help us develop the Cultural Arts Plan! Under Measure P, the plan will be a community-wide public participation process that will define priority outcomes and investments for the future of Fresno arts and cultural programs. Please spread the word!

Mark your calendars for January 19th! We will hold a virtual community meeting to discuss the design of the upcoming park on S. M.L.K Jr. Blvd. and E. Church Ave. We will share the Zoom link as soon as it’s available!
We value your input!

¡Marquen sus calendarios para el 19 de enero! Tendremos una reunión comunitaria virtual para platiar sobre el diseño del próximo parque en S. M.L.K Jr. Blvd. y E. Church Ave. Compartiremos el enlace Zoom tan pronto como esté disponible.
¡Quieremos su opinión!

As part of part Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day of Service, we have partnered with Beautify Fresno for 2 Beautify Fresno events on January 17th! We will be cleaning up Downtown Fresno and the Clinton/Marks area.
Join us with your friends, family, or group by registering at

Como parte del Día de Servicio del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., nos hemos asociado con Beautify Fresno para 2 eventos de Beautify Fresno el 17 de enero. Limpiaremos el centro de Fresno y el área de Clinton y Marks.
Trae a sus amigos, familiares o grupo para ayudarnos en mejorar nuestro distrito! Registrese en



  • Light Equipment Mechanic Leadworker
  • Community Recreation Assistant
  • Executive Assistant to Dept. Director
  • Benefits Manager
  • Fire Equipment Mechanic
  • Real Estate Finance Specialist II
  • Database Administrator
  • Safety & Training Specialist

And more!
to view current job openings at City Hall or click on the button below.

Job Opportunities / Ofertas de Trabajo


Do you have any large items you wish to dispose of? For the month of December, the City’s Operation Clean Up will be picking up bulky items in Central Fresno neighborhoods. To view a detailed map and a list of Do’s & Don’ts, please visit the Department of Public Utilities

Please note that the program is currently two weeks behind. We are currently working to fix this issue. If you witness any illegal dumping, remember you can call the 3-1-1 number to report. 

For any questions on the delay, please call our office at (559) 621-7832.


California homeowners can now get mortgage relief through a $1 billion program. The program will begin accepting applications through an online portal in the coming weeks.

Los propietarios de viviendas de California ahora pueden obtener alivio hipotecario a través de un programa de $1 mil millones. El programa comenzará a aceptar solicitudes a través de un portal en línea en las próximas semanas.


As a reminder, City of Fresno residents are encouraged to apply for assistance if they are unable to pay the full amount of rent and utilities since April 1, 2020. Eligible renters can receive up to three months of prospective rent. The City, along with 6 Community-Benefit Organizations (CBOs) will process the applications.


Como recordatorio, los residentes de la Ciudad de Fresno pueden presentar su solicitud si estan atrasados con la renta o con los pagos de servicios publicos desde el 1 de Abril 2020. Inquilinos elegibles pueden recibir hasta tres meses de pago adelantado de alquiler. La Ciudad de Fresno, junto con 6 organizaciones de beneficio comunitario, procesaran las solicitudes. 

Contact an organization below or apply at:
Comuníquese con una de las organizaciones siguientes o llene el formulario en:

More information/Para más informació

Reading and Beyond: 559-214-0317
The Fresno Center: 559-898-2565
Centro la Familia: 559-237-2961
Jakara Movement: 559-549-4088
West Fresno Family Resource Center: 559-621-2967
Education and Leadership Foundation: 559-291-5428


West Fresno Family Resource Center
Fresno Covid-19 Equity Project
UCSF Fresno

COVID-19 vaccinations are being provided at the Mary Ella Brown Center every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month.  Whether it will be your first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, or your single dose of the J&J Janssen vaccine, staff from UCSF will be able to answer any questions you may have about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please keep in mind that the Pfizer vaccine is available for ages 5+ and J&J Janssen for ages 18+. Get your booster shot if six months have passed since getting your second Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or at least two months if you got Johnson & Johnson.

Address: 1350 E Annandale Ave Fresno
Date:  every 1st & 3rd Thursday
Time: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

African American Coalition
Fresno Covid-19 Equity Project

(by appointment)

1025 Fulton Street
Call the Vaccine Support Line: (559) 312-8044

1221 Fulton Street
Call: (559) 600-3550
Fresno County Dep. of Public Health
Immunization Program


We are here for you. Estamos Aquí Para Usted.

Our staff remains readily available through COVID-19.

Call us at (559) 621-7832 or email us at
Llamenos al (559) 621-7832 o envíenos un correo electrónico a

Our Fresno City Hall Mailing Address is:
Fresno City Hall
2nd Floor Executive Offices
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, California, 93721

Copyright © 2021 Office of Councilman Miguel A. Arias, All rights reserved.