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Important Vaccine Information You Should Know

Important Vaccine Information You Should Know

News from Representative Costa









Dear Friend,

As the first month of the new year comes to a close, I wanted to update you on the work I’ve been doing on behalf of our Valley: 

Increasing vaccine access


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There is a lot of concern in the Valley about the number of vaccines available and I want you to know that this is my top priority. I am on calls daily with our county healthcare leaders, hospitals, clinics and medical providers to assess the situation and to communicate our needs to Gov. Newsom. We are seeing results.

For example, last week Assemblymember Adam Gray, Senator Anna Caballero and I successfully increased the number of vaccines coming to Merced and are working to get Merced additional resources to help administer and track the vaccine distribution in the county.

I’ve also helped breakdown barriers to increase the number of providers that get approval to administer the vaccine in Fresno, Madera, and Merced Counties. That work has helped trusted institutions like UCSF Fresno receive prompt approval to administer vaccines in Fresno County, especially in rural areas where many essential food workers are located.

I continue to push for essential workers to receive vaccines sooner to help maintain our economy and food distribution systems.

Know this: We will get more vaccines. President Biden has already made changes to push 16% more vaccines to states each week. In the next few weeks, additional vaccines are expected to receive approval from the FDA and be pushed out to local communities. Our goal is to get 80% of the Valley community vaccinated by this summer. I will continue to work with our counties to make sure they have the resources to scale up the number of vaccines given each week. We are already seeing progress.

I and my staff are engaged on the vaccine issues daily. I am optimistic and confident vaccine distribution will improve each week.

Below, is more information on how to get a vaccine in your county.

More information about vaccine distribution in: 

Building for a better America


Our country ushered in the Biden Administration, which is intent on repairing the damage of the last four years. From rejoining the Paris Accords to strengthening DACA and providing emergency relief to help millions of Americans reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden Administration has made it clear that no one should be left out or left behind. I look forward to working with the new Administration, as well as my colleagues across the aisle, to find common ground as we work to recover from this pandemic.

Since taking office, President Biden has signed Executive Orders on the following topics: 

Hometown Hero


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As the Super Bowl approaches, let’s take a moment to honor the Valley’s own Tom Flores. He has made significant contributions to the game of football as the first Hispanic player, assistant coach and coach to win a Super Bowl. He has also never forgot where he’s come from, raising nearly $2 million to support local school districts’ science, art, and athletics programs. That’s why I introduced a resolution calling for recognition of Tom Flores’ accomplishments and his induction into the NFL Hall of Fame. I’m hopeful that Coach Flores will finally get his rightful place in football history.

Testing matters 


Testing is key to containing the spread of this virus. Madera, Merced and Fresno counties need us all to do our part to maintain and grow our COVID-19 testing numbers, which are key factors in determining state restrictions on businesses and gatherings. All three counties have free testing available for residents. Do not wait until you have symptoms – get tested anytime you think you’ve been exposed and help stop the spread.

Find testing sites here:

You can also track recent COVID-19 developments in: 

Military Academy Nominees


I recently nominated six high school seniors from Fresno, Madera, and Merced Counties for admission to one of the United States’ service academies. From excellence in the classroom to showing leadership in the community, these students represent the best of the Valley. Their choice to pursue a career in the United States military is a testament to their dedication to our nation and commitment to excellence. I am proud to nominate them, and I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors!

Find out more about this year’s nominees and how to apply in the future.


Stay strong and we will get through this crisis. Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you need assistance.


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

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Fresno Office
855 M Street
Suite 940
Fresno, CA 93721

Merced Office
2222 M Street
Suite 305
Merced, CA 95340

Washington, DC
2081 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515


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California Democratic Party January Newsletter

California Democratic Party January Newsletter

Read the latest news and announcements from the California Democratic Party.




January Newsletter


Message from the Chair



Over the last four weeks, we took a giant step towards a brighter future.  The inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris restored new hope within our nation. From Biden’s introduction of a $1.9 trillion relief package to change the course of the pandemic, to rebuilding a country that celebrates its diversity – democracy has truly prevailed.


In the Golden State, California Democrats are working tirelessly to rebuild together. This month, Gov. Gavin Newsom revealed a $227 billion spending plan which provides funding for immediate COVID-19 response and relief efforts. The proposal will make investments towards a more equitable and inclusive economic recovery plan.


As Democrats strive to form a more perfect and purposeful union, I know that there is much more work to be done. We’ve made great progress despite a global pandemic. We’ve held true to the values of our democratic process. And Democrats have proven time and time again the power of our collective voices.


As Chair of the California Democratic Party, I am proud to stand in solidarity with you.


In unity,


Rusty Hicks


California Democratic Party

Learn How You Can Continue To Receive Our Newsletter

News & Announcement

ADEMs Date Extension

The 2021 ADEM deadlines have been extended! 


All ADEMs ballots RECEIVED by Wednesday, February 3 will be counted. This is a one-week extension beyond the current “postmarked by January 27 and arrive by January 30” deadline. 


Many ADEM candidates took the time to write candidate statements, get to know the candidates running in your district by visiting: 


Final ADEM election results will be posted to the CADEM website, on Tuesday, February 9. 




CADEM Operation Department is opening a virtual office hour every Wednesday from 5:00- 6:00 pm. The office hours are open to County Chairs, Caucus Chairs, and Regional Directors who have questions about the current processes or deadlines required for organizing the Party membership. 


Register in advance for the office hours here 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


The Biden-Harris Administration Combats the Challenges Facing America


President Joe Biden has wasted no time in combating the challenges facing America.  Joe Biden immediately announced his emergency legislative plan to tackle the coronavirus and reboot our economy: The American Rescue Plan. The plan is a $1.9 trillion relief package designed to change the course of the pandemic, rebuild a bridge toward economic recovery and cut child poverty in half.


The American Rescue Plan would provide relief for American families and businesses, which includes:

  • A national vaccination program to contain COVID-19
  • Direct $1,400 payments to families
  • Raising the minimum wage to $15
  • Access to affordable child care
  • Emergency funding for small businesses


As we recover from the pandemic and rebuild together, we need your support to fight for the American people. Will you commit to joining the California Democrats to help our nation recover?

Add your name »

DEM 2022 Has Kicked Off 




In 2020, California Democrats made over 20 million phone calls and sent more than 10 million text messages to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.  As we move through the year, we need your help to continue holding California Republicans accountable for denying the will of the American people. Can we count on you?


For a small contribution of  $7 dollars a month you can become a member of  DEM2022. Your support goes directly towards fighting for issues that are important to Democrats. Your support truly makes all the difference in our ability to train, organize, and mobilize Democrats across the state. A $7 contribution pays for 700 text messages to young voters!


California Democratic Leaders Fight to Protect California Renters


Governor Gavin Newsom and California Democrats are working to protect California renters and small landlords who are facing COVID-19 financial hardship. That’s why this week, they introduced a proposal to extend the nation’s strongest COVID-19 tenant eviction protections until June 30, 2021. The extended proposal protects tenants who have paid 25% of their rent since September 2020.


The proposal will:

  •   Provide $2.6 billion in federal relief to help Californians pay off unpaid rental debt
  •   Prioritize households with the highest need
  •   Pay 80% of any missing rent to landlords accrued between April 2020 and March 2021, as long as they agree to forgive the remaining 20%


As we recover from the pandemic together, we need your support to continue fighting for the American people. Will you commit to joining the California Democrats to help our nation recover?


Add your Name »


Trump Impeachment Trial Expected on February 9


Democrats and Republicans have come together in a bipartisan vote to hold Trump accountable and impeach him for a second time. As a result, this week, the House of Representatives’ impeachment manager delivered the article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection to the Senate. In response, the Senate is expected to begin the impeachment trial on February 9.


Local County Dem Highlights


The California Democratic Party would like to congratulate the new 2021-2022 County Central Committee Chairs. 


Democratic Party of Sacramento 

Tracie Stafford, Chair


Democratic Party of Alameda

Terry Sandoval, Chair


Democratic Party of Butte

Linda Fern, Chair


Democratic Party of Mariposa

Christina Oborn, Chair


Democratic Party of Mono

Joyce Kaufman, Chair


Democratic Party of Monterey

Karen Araijo, Chair


Democratic Party of Nevada

Eric Robins, Chair


Democratic Party of San Joaquin

Barbara Sasso, Chair


Democratic Party of Shasta

Jenny Abbe, Chair






DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States



Join me and urge the Senate to convict Trump and disqualify him from ever holding office again.

Alex Padilla for Senate

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It’s been three weeks since Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection to try and prevent Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 election.

This week, the House delivered the article of impeachment to the Senate — making Trump the first president in American history to be impeached twice.

He has brought incredible shame to this nation, and in order to move forward as a country we must hold him accountable for his actions.

Trump may no longer be in office, but we cannot establish the precedent that a president in their last weeks in office can seek to prevent the peaceful transition of power. We can never allow this abuse of power to happen again.

Soon, the Senate will begin its impeachment trial and it’ll be up to us to determine whether or not to convict Trump and hold him accountable.

So I’m asking you today to add your name next to mine and urge the Senate to convict Trump and disqualify him from ever holding office again.


Actions must have consequences. Especially those that threaten to erode our nation’s democratic norms and undo decades worth of progress.

I may be new to the Senate, but I think we can accomplish two things at the same time. We can pass pandemic relief that is greatly needed in communities across the country, while also holding Trump accountable and ensuring another threat to our democracy like this never happens again.

I will make sure to keep you up to date on our progress.

— Alex

Contributions or gifts to Alex Padilla for Senate are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Alex Padilla for Senate

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