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It’s time for a bold, progressive agenda in the Senate!

It’s time for a bold, progressive agenda in the Senate!

Alex Padilla for Senate

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Alex Padilla is the proud son of Mexican immigrants, and he learned everything he knows about work and opportunity from his parents.

Like many California Latinos of his generation, Alex’s political consciousness was forged by Proposition 187 — the 1994 measure that would have cut off undocumented immigrants from public education and non-emergency health care. California voters approved it, but thankfully the courts threw it out.

This was just the first of many issues that molded Alex into the person we know today. And like many of us, Alex also knows the impact that student loan debt has on a person’s ability to take part in higher education. He can relate to these issues because he’s lived them, and he’s taking that experience to the Senate to fight for us.

Every Californian deserves to have the opportunity to succeed, and the best way we can do that is by passing a bold, progressive agenda that includes:

  • Passing Medicare for All
  • Enacting A Green New Deal
  • Reforming our immigration system

But in order to deliver on these issues, we need your help. We need to send an unmistakable message to Congress that these progressive actions are a top priority. Which is why we have to ask:

If you are able, will you make a $3 donation to this movement for change? It’s going to take a massive people-powered effort to organize and defend the dream and we would be honored to have your support.

If you’ve stored your info with ActBlue, we’ll process your contribution instantly:

Alex knows the power of community, of organizing to make a difference. And he will take those principles to the Senate where he will fight for real, meaningful change on behalf of Californians and the millions of families who are facing the same struggles Alex and his family did.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more about what’s next, we are going to need you with us.

Team Padilla


Contributions or gifts to Alex Padilla for Senate are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Alex Padilla for Senate

All content © 2021 Alex Padilla for Senate, All Rights Reserved

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District 1 Updates!

District 1 Updates!

Keeping You Informed…

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Dear Resident, 

As of January 25, 2021 the State of California Stay At Home Order has been lifted and Fresno County has returned to the Purple (Widespread) Tier on the Blueprint for a Safer Economy chart. This means restaurants may now open for outdoor dining and personal services, such as hair and nail salons, may be open indoors with limitations.

Governor Gavin Newsom also signed legislation extending California’s eviction moratorium through June 30, 2021 also providing rent relief for Californians struggling as a result of COVID-19.

As we work hard to make COVID-19 vaccines available to all of our community, we continue to provide COVID-19 testing throughout the City of Fresno as well as free grocery food distributions and housing relief for those impacted by COVID-19.

Although the Stay At Home Order has been lifted, COVID-19 cases are still on the rise in Fresno County and we must continue to take health precautions. We are in this together!

Thank you for your cooperation! See below for additional events and updates in District 1.

Feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or concerns at

(559) 621-7817 or via email at

We are here to serve you!


Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Councilmember
District 1 

Querido residente,

A partir del 25 de enero de 2021, se levantó la orden de permanecer en casa del estado de California y el condado de Fresno volvió al nivel morado (generalizado) en la tabla Plan para una Economía más Segura. Esto significa que los restaurantes ahora pueden abrir para cenas al aire libre y los servicios personales, como salones de belleza y uñas, pueden estar abiertos en el interior con limitaciones.

El gobernador Gavin Newsom también firmó una legislación que extiende la moratoria de desalojo de California hasta el 30 de junio de 2021 y también brinda alivio de alquiler para los californianos que estan pasando por tiempos difíciles como resultado de COVID-19.

A medida que trabajamos arduamente para que las vacunas COVID-19 estén disponibles para toda nuestra comunidad, continuamos brindando pruebas de COVID-19 en toda la ciudad de Fresno, así como distribuciones gratuitas de alimentos y ayuda para viviendas para los afectados por COVID-19.

Aunque se ha levantado la orden de quedarse en casa, los casos de COVID-19 todavía están aumentando en el condado de Fresno y debemos continuar tomando precauciones de salud. ¡Estamos en esto juntos!

¡Gracias por su cooperación! Vea a continuación eventos adicionales y actualizaciones en el Distrito 1.

No dude en comunicarse con mi oficina si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud al (559) 621-7817 o por correo electrónico a

¡Estamos aquí para servirle!


Esmeralda Soria
Concejal de la Ciudad de Fresno
Distrito 1 

More News in District 1!

Help us welcome the new members of the District 1 Team!
Brian, Diana, and Candi are excited to be working on your behalf! 

Please find COVID-19 Resource Links below: 



Contact our office with any questions at (559) 621-7817 or at 

Share this email with your friends:

Copyright © Paid for by Soria for City Council 2018
1402344, All rights reserved.

Our City Hall mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Hall, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721

Join California Democrats to Fight for COVID-19 Relief

Join California Democrats to Fight for COVID-19 Relief

COVID-19 relief is only possible because you worked so hard to support leaders who believe in science

California Democratic Party Logo

In January, President Joe Biden introduced the American Rescue Plan to deliver direct relief to working families and start beating the virus.

Today, the Senate is taking the next, strong step forward in enacting President Biden’s American Rescue Plan that will help address the COVID crisis. If you’ve been impacted by the Republican Party’s partisan delays and cheap tricks during this Pandemic, we want to hear from you. Email your story here
SHARE YOUR STORY » The American Rescue Plan will deliver direct relief checks for a total of $2,000 in assistance, increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour, enhance unemployment benefits and extend pandemic unemployment programs, and provide additional support for small businesses.

We’re not done working for you yet, Michael. California Democratic leaders are partnering with the Biden-Harris Administration to kickstart a plan to vaccinate communities in California hit hardest by COVID-19. Locations include California State University, Los Angeles and the Oakland Coliseum!

These locations are expected to open on February 16th and you can sign up now to be notified when you can get vaccinated with California’s online MyTurn System.
WHEN CAN I GET VACCINATED? »Michael, we cannot emphasize this enough: COVID-19 relief is only possible because you worked so hard to support leaders who believe in science like President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and the dozens of California Democrats up and down the ballot.

Sign up for MyTurn and tell your friends how you heard about it!


-California Democrats


DONATE » Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

It’s time for a bold, progressive agenda in the Senate!

It’s time to ban offshore drilling — for good!

We must do everything in our power to slow and reverse the effects of climate change.

Alex Padilla for Senate

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Since taking office, President Biden has taken on the fight against climate change by taking bold, historic action.

President Biden has signed executive actions to suspend new leases for natural gas and oil development on federal lands and waters, and created a commission focused on green jobs and environmental justice.

But there’s even more we can do!

After President Biden signed these orders, a bill was introduced called the West Coast Ocean Protection Act, which would permanently ban oil and gas drilling in federal waters off California, Oregon, and Washington.

Alex Padilla co-sponsored this bill, because he knows that these are the kind of bold policies we need to fight climate change. We must do everything in our power to slow and reverse the effects of climate change.

So today, we are hoping that 10,000 people will sign on as citizen co-sponsors to the West Coast Ocean Protection Act so we can show there’s real support for this bill. Will you join us?

Add your name next to Alex’s and become a citizen co-sponsor of the West Coast Ocean Protection Act. It’s up to all of us to take action to end this climate crisis, your support will go a long way towards making sure Congress knows this is a priority.


California has long led the nation on climate action. We’ve endured unprecedented wildfires and extreme weather events, and have taken important steps to address this existential threat.

Today the rest of the nation joins California in the fight to preserve our land, air, and water for generations to come.

Thank you for adding your name and taking climate change seriously.

Team Padilla


Contributions or gifts to Alex Padilla for Senate are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Alex Padilla for Senate

All content © 2021 Alex Padilla for Senate, All Rights Reserved

Privacy Policy

NEW PODCAST: Announcing Season 2 of The California Table

NEW PODCAST: Announcing Season 2 of The California Table

I am pleased to announce the launch of Season 2 of The California Table podcast.


I am pleased to announce the launch of Season 2 of The California Table podcast.

Episode 1 — Building on Community Assets to Address COVID-19 — is now available wherever your listen to podcasts.

I started The California Table with the goal of featuring California’s diverse community leaders who you may not typically find at institutional decision-making tables. Having traveled the state extensively prior to the pandemic, it’s clear that California’s success depends on building local power and elevating these very voices to create lasting change.

In this Episode, it’s my hope to heighten attention on the persistent inequities that exist within LatinX communities. I’m joined by my guest Poncho Guevara, the Executive Director of Sacred Heart Community Service in San Jose.

Listen as he speaks expansively about the work his agency is doing in Silicon Valley to address housing instability, food insecurity, health needs, and more.

I hope you enjoy this episode and find it informative. As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.


P. S. If you missed any of the Season 1 episodes of The California Table, you can find them here:

Episode 1: On the High-Road: Righting the Restaurant Industry
Episode 2: Central Valley Rising: Youth-Fueled Activism
Episode 3: California’s Prison Walls: Inside and Out
Episode 4: Lifting Up Families and Individuals in Crisis


Betty Yee
16633 Ventura Blvd, Suite 1008
Encino, CA 91436
United States