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IMPORTANT: We need your input!

IMPORTANT: We need your input!

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Dear Resident, 

An 88 housing unit complex in the Blackstone & McKinley area is near completion and will feature a medical and dental clinic in partnership with Clinica Sierra Vista and Fresno City College and a 1,800 square foot City of Fresno Neighborhood Senior Center!

We want to hear from Seniors (60+) on what programs they would like to see in their local senior center! Please fill out the survey to let us know what your vision is for this space.

Fill out survey at:

As part of our efforts to add more recreational green space in District 1, we are proposing a beautification plan for the medians and are asking local residents to provide their input.

Complete the survey below to let us know what you would like to see in the Emerson Median Island Trail.

Emerson Median Island Trail Survey link:

For questions or concerns, contact us via email
at or at (559) 621-7817. 



Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Councilmember
District 1 

More News in District 1!

As of April 1, 2021, individuals age 50+ are eligible to make an appointment to receive the vaccine and as of April 15, 2021 all individuals age 16+ will also be eligible for the vaccine.  

Fresno County COVID Vaccinations Sites:

Fresno County – Pharmacy COVID Vaccination Sites:

Please find COVID-19 Resource Links below: 



Contact our office with any questions at (559) 621-7817 or at 

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Copyright © Paid for by Soria for City Council 2018
1402344, All rights reserved.

Our City Hall mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Hall, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721

NEWS RELEASE: Residents Invited to Submit Applications by May 14 to Serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission

NEWS RELEASE: Residents Invited to Submit Applications by May 14 to Serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                        
Date: April 28, 2021
Contact: Yussel Zalapa
(559) 600-1710

Residents Invited to Submit Applications by May 14 to Serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission

COUNTY OF FRESNO, CA (April 28, 2021) – County of Fresno residents interested in serving on the County’s Advisory Redistricting Commission are invited to submit their applications prior to the upcoming application deadline of Friday, May 14, 2021.
Every 10 years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. This year, the County formed an 11-person Advisory Commission to recommend boundary changes for supervisorial districts to the Board for possible modification and adoption.
“This Advisory Redistricting Commission will play an important role in representing our diverse community during the process of redrawing our district lines,” said Steve Brandau, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. “The 2020 Census data will show how our population has changed since 2010, and it’s important that our district boundaries be evaluated and adjusted if needed to account for those changes.”
Members of the Fresno County community are invited to participate in the decennial redistricting process to make sure district lines respect neighborhoods, history and geographical elements. 
Each commissioner selected to serve the County of Fresno must be a resident of the County. Residents with family relationships with those who have been elected to, appointed to or a candidate for an elective office may not serve on the Commission. To see a full list of commissioner qualifications, please read the County’s resolution adopting an Advisory Redistricting Commission.
With the redistricting process moving forward, the County has launched a dedicated redistricting webpage, which will include details on future public hearings, mapping opportunities, FAQs and more.
For more information about the County of Fresno, visit or follow the County’s  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube to keep up with the latest redistricting news.
Fecha: April 28, 2021
Contacto: Yussel Zalapa
(559) 600-1710

Se Invita a los Residentes a Presentar Solicitudes Antes del 14 de Mayo Para Formar Parte de la Comisión Consultiva de Redistribución de Distritos

CONDADO DE FRESNO, CA (28 de Abril de 2021) – Los residentes del Condado de Fresno interesados en servir en la Comisión Consultiva de Redistribución de Distritos del Condado están invitados a presentar sus solicitudes antes de la próxima fecha límite de solicitud del viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021. 
Cada 10 años, los gobiernos locales utilizan nuevos datos del Censo para volver a dibujar sus líneas de distrito para reflejar cómo han cambiado las poblaciones locales. Este año, el Condado formó una Comisión Consultiva de 11 personas para recomendar cambios de límites para los distritos del Consejo de Supervisión para su posible modificación y adopción.
“Esta Comisión Consultiva de Redistribución desempeñará un papel importante en la representación de nuestra diversa comunidad durante el proceso de volver a dibujar nuestras líneas de distrito”, dijo Steve Brandau, el Presidente del Consejo de Supervisores. “Los datos del Censo de 2020 mostrarán cómo nuestra población ha cambiado desde 2010, y es importante que nuestros límites distritales sean evaluados y ajustados si es necesario para tener en cuenta esos cambios”.
Miembros de la comunidad del Condado de Fresno son invitados a participar en el proceso decenal de redistribución para asegurarse de que las líneas de distrito respeten los barrios, la historia y los elementos geográficos. Los residentes con relaciones familiares con aquellos que han sido elegidos, nombrados o candidatos para un cargo electivo no pueden servir en la Comisión. Para ver una lista completa de las calificaciones del comisionado, por favor lea la resolución del Condado que adopta una Comisión Consultiva de Redistribución de Distritos.
Con el proceso de redistribución avanzando, el Condado ha lanzado una página web dedicada a la redistribución, que incluirá detalles sobre futuras audiencias públicas, oportunidades de mapeo, preguntas frecuentes y más.
Para más información sobre el Condado de Fresno, visite o siga elFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, y Youtube del Condado para mantenerse al día con las últimas actualizaciones.
CADEM Chair Rusty Hicks Issues Statement on President Joe Biden’s Joint Address to Congress

CADEM Chair Rusty Hicks Issues Statement on President Joe Biden’s Joint Address to Congress

California Democratic Party Logo


California Democratic Party Chair Rusty Hicks issued the following statement on President Joe Biden’s first address to Congress:

Just a few months ago, we elected a president who leads with empathy, decency, and the profound belief in all of us. We elected a president who called upon the best in all of us. With that came the courage to measure ourselves not by the fear we’ve endured over the past year but the hope that we’ve restored within the last 100 days.

When President Biden took office, he promised the American people that help was on the way. Now, 100 days into his administration, Biden and Democrats have delivered on that promise. In his first 100 days, President Biden immediately acted to get America back on track. And on this road to recovery, he re-envisioned a democracy that could withstand the crisis that faces our nation.

Together, Democratic leaders worked to deliver real, tangible results by vaccinating 200 million Americans, rebuilding a better, fairer and stronger economy, providing direct relief to help working families, and reinvesting in our future by reducing child poverty.

Through the American Rescue Plan, the American Jobs Plan, and the American Families Plan, Democrats have made it clear that by standing together we can build an America that works for all of us.

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

UPDATES: Fresno’s Police Reform Implementation Team Zoom Meeting

UPDATES: Fresno’s Police Reform Implementation Team Zoom Meeting

Dear Resident,

I know many of you are not able to watch our Council Meetings because of work or other obligations, so I wanted to provide an update on what was voted on related to our district. As a reminder, the next City Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 9:00 A.M. 

As always, you can watch the Council Meeting live on our Facebook page , the City of Fresno’s Facebook page, TV Comcast Channel 96, TV AT&T Channel 99, or on CMAC.TV/GOV/. Comments for agenda items can be emailed to

Thursday, April 22, 2021 Council Meeting

1R – Traffic Signal Update Project at Tulare Street and U Street –  Award a construction contract to Bush Engineering, Inc. (APROVED).

Fresno County Moves Into Orange Tier
The California Department of Public Health announced that Fresno County has moved to the less restrictive red or “substantial” tier as of Tuesday, April 20, 2021.
What does this mean for the City of Fresno?

Businesses allowed to operate indoors at a 50% capacity
Restaurants, movie theaters, museums, zoos, and places of worship.

Businesses allowed to operate indoors at a 25% capacity
Gyms and fitness centers, bowling alleys, wineries, breweries, and distilleries.

Still Closed:
Concert venues
Convention centers


Please contact us at (559) 621-7832 or via email at

Effective Thursday, April 15, 2021

ALL individuals 16+ years and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine. You can call MyTurn at 1-833-422-4255 or visit MyTurn.CA.GOV to schedule an appointment near you.

While you wait for your vaccination date, please continue to stay safe and get tested for COVID-19 when necessary. 
Wednesdays – The Valley Inn 2PM-4PM (every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month) (Pfizer Vaccines now available at this location).
Thursdays – Mary Ella Brown Community Center 1PM-4PM (Pfizer Vaccine available at this location.)

Mother’s Day at Arte Americas

On Sunday, May 9th, Art Americas will be hosting a Virtual Mariachi Tenochtitlan Celebration for our mothers’, and in honor of Dr. Norma Solis, a doctor in the Central Valley, whom like many other essential workers, has worked diligently during the pandemic to ensure that everyone in the community is safe, and healthy. 

If you’re looking for a beautiful Mother’s Day gift, consider purchasing handcrafted giftboxes made Mexican artisans and local entrepreneurs, on and help them raise funds to help with repairs at the facility

City of Fresno 

Police Reform Implementation Team

This week’s meeting April 20th, has been moved to next week April 27th. To join the Zoom Meeting online please  visit:
to register. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
You can also view the Police Reform Implementation Team meeting on Comcast Channel 96 & AT&T Channel 99. You may email your comments to If you need additional accommodations such as interpreters, sign language signers, or the services of a translator, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (559) 621-7650 or To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least three business days prior to the meeting.



Our next City Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 9:00 A.M. 
As always, you can watch the Council Meeting live on our
Facebook page, the City of Fresno’s Facebook page, TV Comcast Channel 96, TV AT&T channel 99, or on CMAC.TV/GOV/. Comments for agenda items can be emailed to

Emergency Rental Assistance – City of Fresno residents are encouraged to apply if they are unable to pay their full amount of rent and utilities from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. The City along with six community-benefit organizations (CBOs) will process applications. 

For more details about the program, visit:

Contact one of the partner organizations to apply or apply directly at ERA.FRESNO.GOV

Reading and Beyond: 559-214-0317

The Fresno Center: 559-898-2565

Centro La Familia: 559-237-2961

Jakara Movement: 559-549-4088

West Fresno Family Resource Center: 559-621-2967

Education and Leadership Foundation: 559-291-5428

Eviction Moratorium – On January 29, 2021 Governor Newsom signed SB 91 extending the statewide eviction moratorium through June 30, 2021.

We are here for you. Estamos Aquí Para Usted.

Our staff remains readily available through COVID-19.

Call us at (559) 621-8000 or email us at
Llamenos al (559) 621-8000 o envíenos un correo electrónico a

Our Fresno City Hall Mailing Address is:
Fresno City Hall
2nd Floor Executive Offices
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, California, 93721

Copyright © 2021 Office of Councilman Miguel A. Arias, All rights reserved.
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Thank You!

It is not often that I am speechless. Still, I want to say that I am truly grateful for the overwhelming support in our race to be the next California Democratic Party Secretary. The preliminary results are in – and I am honored to be your next CADEM Secretary with a total of 2,261 votes (70.41%).


Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me to help lead our Party.


I am excited to work with Rusty, David, Betty, and April on a vision that will empower delegates on the ground, beat this Republican recall, and deliver results for Democrats.


I want to give a special shoutout to my sister, Diana Love, for running a spirited campaign that brought so many great ideas to the table to move our Party forward. I am honored to have shared this campaign with such an incredible leader in our party.


I look forward to seeing you all this weekend at Convention!


Democratically Yours,

Melahat Rafiei,

CADEM Secretary-Elect

Melahat for California | 4706 E. Washington Ave, Orange, CA 92869

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I’m honored

I’m honored


These past five months, I was privileged to engage with and listen to California Democratic Party delegates discuss the future of our party. I spoke to you of my goal — that we broaden our connection with voters in every region of California. Whether building support to address the challenges Californians are facing each day or galvanizing voters to rally behind our endorsed candidates, I am ready to join you in this critical work. Together, we can defeat the recall and elect candidates at the state and local level who will provide the leadership and representation we all deserve.

I am honored to be elected as an incoming Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party. The sustained work so many of you are doing in your communities and in support of our party inspires me. It is elevating to be working with many first-time delegates who bring energy, vision, and purpose. I hear your call to drive change that is centered on equity and justice. I especially hope our work together will be transformative in the lives of many Californians who are struggling.

Our service as delegates to the California Democratic Party is about something much bigger than ourselves. It is about giving voice to every community in our state. And whether our voices are aligned or occasionally discordant, you have my commitment to ensure a culture of respect where inclusion and safety are paramount.

I am excited about our work together. Let it begin.




Betty Yee
16633 Ventura Blvd, Suite 1008
Encino, CA 91436
United States