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Let’s work together to end this pandemic

Let’s work together to end this pandemic

Vaccinating as many U.S. adults as possible before July 4th will require everyone to pitch in.

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After more than a year of unspeakable loss and incredible resiliency, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership, our nation is making progress against the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, California has one of the lowest coronavirus transmission levels in the U.S. Students are returning to classrooms. Weddings are resuming. We’re getting to hug our loved ones again.

But the truth is, we’ve got a long way to go to overcome this pandemic. 40% of U.S. adults have not yet gotten a vaccine. Many people continue to have questions about the vaccines or challenges getting vaccinated, especially in the communities hit hardest by the pandemic.

At the same time, communities of color continue to get vaccinated at lower rates than their white counterparts. That’s why California Democrats are joining forces with Made to Save in support of HHS’s National Vaccine Month of Action, which goes from June 5 – July 4th.

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When we rise together, there’s absolutely nothing we can’t accomplish. 

Vaccinating as many U.S. adults as possible before July 4th will require everyone to pitch in — to make calls, send texts, and talk to people face-to-face in our communities — answering questions and spreading the word about why it’s so important to get vaccinated.

Together, we can do this.

In Solidarity,

-California Democrats

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

June 4, 2021 Newsletter

June 4, 2021 Newsletter

Dear Residents,

As the weather reaches the triple digits, I wanted to share some information about cooling centers and splash parks located throughout our city. You will also find information about community events coming up soon. I want to thank everyone who participates in our city events and who share the resources found in the newsletters to friends and family.

Be on the lookout for future events and community meetings! If you have any concerns, questions or comments, please feel free to contact my office at (559) 621-7832 or


Cooling Centers

During these next few months, please stay cool and hydrated during the extreme, hot weather. The City of Fresno has various cooling center locations to prevent heat-related illnesses. The cooling centers are especially important for our elderly, children and for those without access to air conditioning in their home.

Hours of Service: 1:00PM – 7:00PM


Ted C. Wills Community Center – 770 N San Pablo Ave

Frank H. Ball Community Center – 760 Mayor Ave

Mosqueda Community Center – 4670 E Butler Ave

Pinedale Community Center – 7170 N San Pablo Ave

Splash Parks!

During these hot summer months, children can cool off and have fun by visiting a city splash pad located at our parks! You can check out these locations near you. They are free to use and open 7 days a week until Sunday, September 26th, 2021.

  • Figarden Loop Park – 4265 W. Figarden Dr.
  • Inspiration Park – 5770 W. Gettysburg Ave.
  • Martin Ray Reilly Park – 750 N. Chestnut Ave.
  • Melody Park – 5935 E Shields Ave.
  • Mosqueda Community Center – 4670 E. Butler Ave.
  • Todd Beamer Park – 1890 E. Plymouth Ave.
  • Dickey Playground – 50 N. Calaveras St. (Temporarily closed for repairs)
  • Vinland Park – 4695 E. Gettysburg Ave. (Temporarily closed for repairs)


Join us for a bike ride through the Southwest Fresno Community tomorrow Saturday, June 5th! Attendants MUST wear helmets, face masks, and bring their own bikes. Meeting place is at the West Fresno Branch Library Parking Lot. Sign up online at:

District 3 Youth Workforce Program

The youth workforce program continues strong! Young District 3 residents are learning valuable job development skills as they offer free curb address painting to our neighbors throughout the district. Stay tuned for future newsletters as we hear from their experiences. #D3Strong

West Fresno Elementary

The SAT (School Area Team) FresGO Trailer will be parked in your neighborhood to provide useful information and giveaway items.

The SAT specializes in improving the physical appearance of your neighborhood. The team will help connect low-income homeowners to resources to assist with improving their home and quality of life.
Make sure to stop by and ask how the School Area Team how they can assist you in organizing your neighbors to make improvements to increase the quality of life in your neighborhood. As always, you can report code violations on the FresGO phone app or by calling the 3-1-1 number.

We are here for you. Estamos Aquí Para Usted.

Our staff remains readily available through COVID-19.

Call us at (559) 621-8000 or email us at
Llamenos al (559) 621-8000 o envíenos un correo electrónico a

Our Fresno City Hall Mailing Address is:
Fresno City Hall
2nd Floor Executive Offices
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, California, 93721

Copyright © 2021 Office of Councilman Miguel A. Arias, All rights reserved.
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[URGENT] We have some work to do…

[URGENT] We have some work to do…

Since the last general election, more than 380 bills have been introduced across the country that would make it harder for Americans to vote.

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Since the last general election, more than 380 bills have been introduced across the country that would make it harder for Americans to vote. These Republican voter suppression bills aim to restrict the options that make voting more convenient and accessible, like early voting and vote by mail.

The impacts of these bills go beyond just one state — it hurts all of us. Michael, we cannot stand by and allow the Republican Party to coordinate another attack on our most fundamental rights.

Vice President Kamala Harris is leading the way to unite all Democrats across the country to protect our voices at the ballot box and prevent discriminatory changes to voting. But Michael, we can’t do it alone. That’s why CADEM is preparing to relaunch our Truth Squad and Voter Protection Team programs to combat misinformation.

As a part of this effort, CADEM is relying on our people power and small dollar grassroots donations to ensure that we can continue the fight against the Republican Party’s disinformation campaign. So as we stand in solidarity to protect our voting rights, we are asking:

Can you invest $15 to help Democrats defeat this Republican effort?

Grassroots donations build our progressive bench. If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $15 »Donate $30 » Donate $45 »Donate $60 »Donate $75 »Other Amount » In Solidarity,

-California Democrats


DONATE » Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

Parents denied health coverage

Parents denied health coverage



Los Angeles Times


“California bill would let adults add parents to health plans”




Imagine if your parents couldn’t get health insurance coverage. For tens of thousands of Californians, there is no need to imagine: They’re caring for an elderly parent unable to get coverage right now. 


When Esperanza Chavez, a 74-year-old diabetic living in San Francisco, needed eye surgery in April, her daughter, Laura, paid cash for the procedure. It cost $15,000… for just one eye. The Chavez family couldn’t afford both. 


I’m fighting to change that by sponsoring the Parent Healthcare Act (AB 570) — a groundbreaking bill that would make California the first state in the nation to allow adult children to add their dependent parents onto their healthcare plan. 


I’ve been working to expand healthcare for my entire career. Chip in now to support our campaign to ensure we can keep fighting


The Chavez family isn’t alone. If the Parent Healthcare Act becomes law, it’s estimated that as many as 80,000 Californian seniors — currently ineligible for Medicare and Medicaid — could get health insurance coverage. 


The insurance industry is already pushing back on this legislation, but I won’t back down. EVERY person deserves healthcare, especially our seniors. 


When we were young, our parents were there for us and took care of us. Now it’s on us to take care of them when they need it the most. Join me in supporting the Parent Healthcare Act and together, let’s continue to fight to expand healthcare coverage for all! 










Donate ➝





Lara for Insurance Commissioner 2022
5445 Madison Ave
Sacramento, CA 95841
United States


[URGENT] We have some work to do…

People can’t pay rent or eat with just good intentions

We know that paid internship programs like ours are integral for building the bench of young California Democratic leaders.

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Did you know that some of the CADEM staff got their start as young political interns?

Our Communications Director Shery Yang got her start as an intern for John Burton (our former Chair!)

Our Political Director Ben Seinfeld and Training Director Vincent Jones got their start as interns for the DNC.

We know that paid internship programs like ours are integral for building the bench of young California Democratic leaders. Every $15 donated means that we can keep one of our brightest interns employed and gaining valuable experience for just a bit longer!

Grassroots donations build our progressive bench. If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $15 »Donate $30 » Donate $45 »Donate $60 »Donate $75 »Other Amount »
Paid internship programs are critical for the growth of our Party because people can’t pay rent or eat with just good intentions. Our Chair fought to raise the wages of nearly 1 million working Angelenos to $15 an hour and passed a progressive ballot measure to build more affordable housing and create good union jobs.

We value our staff and that means making sure each and every intern gets $15/hr for their labor. Can you help us build the bench of CA Democrats with a $15 donation today?

Paid interns build a more inclusive Party because they bring in student organizers and activists — everyone can build valuable connections and gain more professional experience.


-California Democrats


DONATE » Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

If this email was forwarded to you, please sign up for our email list here.

We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States