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Fresno Democrats – Biased Poll Closure


November 3, 2018

Fresno Poll Closure Feeds Bias

fresno—The Fresno Bee recently reported that the Fresno County Registrar’s Office officially closed and reassigned the polling place at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno. County officials claim the reason was that the church has a banner displayed on its property that reads “Black Lives Matter.”

By the county’s own admission, that banner does not violate any election laws, and yet the church still lost polling place status. The county’s FAQ Web site says that displaying a message of “Down With Liberals” would be perfectly acceptable as it doesn’t “advocate voting for or against a particular candidate or measure,” and yet the simple statement that “Black Lives Matter” is somehow more political and more objectionable. Moreover, the UU Church sign is well outside the 100-foot zone for restricted campaign activity.

According to Jordan Scott, the public information officer for Fresno County, the banner was discouraging people from coming to the polls and making them uncomfortable casting their vote on issues. The county said it had received calls indicating the sign made people feel threatened. In this case, the group receiving government protection is clearly those who feel Black lives should not matter.

“What a contradiction,” said Michael D. Evans, chair of the Fresno County Democratic Party. “In the current bizarre world of duplicitous doublespeak, this is somehow OK? A live person wearing a ‘Down With Liberals’ t-shirt or a ‘MAGA’ hat is far more threatening and intimidating than a sign that is not even close to a polling site.”

The polling site was moved to another, presumably less objectionable, church nearby. The objection to merely seeing the statement “Black Lives Matter” is inherently racist, and closing the polling place over those objections is an endorsement of the worst aspects in our society. It is not only voter suppression but also democracy suppression.

The Fresno County Registrar’s Office owes our community an apology and should prioritize First Amendment considerations in future polling site decisions.

People have the power. Vote on Nov. 6.

The Fresno County Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or


Fresno Democrats: Yes on P, No to Fear


November 2, 2018

Yes on P, No to Fear

fresno—Fresno’s public parks need help. The Trust for Public Land has rated Fresno’s parks dead last or near last among the country’s 100 largest cities for the past five years. But congratulations, in 2018 we managed to be only the 94th worse. Obviously, something needs to change. Measure P’s 3/8-cent sales tax would go a long way to restoring our parks, allowing for greater community engagement, outdoor safety and improved property values.

            In the last few weeks before the Nov. 6 election, a crop of blue signs has sprouted across Fresno, shouting against Measure P. A close look at the small print on the bottom of the sign shows it was paid for by Fresnans for a Safer Community.

            You might rightly ask what a funding increase to improve park maintenance has to do with decreasing public safety, and the answer is, of course, nothing. Indeed, it is the opposite. Measure P would not mean a single cent reduction in police funding and in fact would result in further funds for park safety.

            “Measure P has broad bipartisan support,” says Michael D. Evans, chair of the Fresno County Democratic Party. “Former mayors Alan Autry and Ashley Swearengin are supporting the measure, and it is hard to believe that anyone in our community would oppose improving our parks.”

            Despite the overwhelming need and the obvious benefit to our city of having a good parks system, the current mayor, Lee Brand, opposes Measure P. That shows an absence of leadership and sends the wrong message to our community.

            Why is Brand opposing Measure P? Because public safety advocates oppose it. And how did that happen? The mayor wanted a ballot measure that would jointly address funding for public safety and parks. However, the two factions were unable to come to an agreement on how that would work.

            As a result, the parks proponents went to the voters, gathering more than 30,000 signatures to get their initiative on the ballot. The proponents of a public safety tax did not do that. They were outworked and now, apparently out of spite, are opposing the parks measure.

            Moreover, for reasons not fully explained, the city inadvertently left out some important wording from the approved description of Measure P for the voter handbook. That language should include “improving park safety; improving accessibility for persons with disabilities; updating and maintaining playgrounds and restrooms; improving youth and veteran job training; improving after school programs and beautifying roadways.”

            “Cities are defined by their quality of life,” notes Evans. “And a good park system is a strong indicator of a city’s livability. For far too long, we have failed to provide adequate parks for residents south of Shaw Avenue. Measure P can remedy that.”

            Measure P is needed. Without public spaces to tie our communities together, the city deteriorates. When children don’t have safe places to play, they hang out somewhere else and are exposed to less savory influences. If we do not commit funds to maintenance, parks can fall apart leading to injuries. For years, our community has let this problem grow. Now we have the chance to step up and fix it. Vote Yes on Measure P.

            People have the power. Vote on Nov. 6.

            The Fresno County Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or


Trump Republicans Target Transgender Rights


November 1, 2018

Trump Republicans Target Transgender Rights

fresno—Recently, the Trump administration announced that it plans to roll back protections for transgender people by tying gender identity to genitalia at birth. This is an attack aimed not only at reducing transgender protections but also at nullifying the very concept of transgender rights. Trump is deliberately inflaming his base’s fear of transgendered individuals in the hope of increasing right-wing voter turnout in the midterm elections.

The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services has put forth a memo trying to establish a restrictive legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance. The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, determined by the genitals that a person is born with. It calls for mandatory genetic testing as the final proof in any dispute.

This ham-fisted attempt to roll back Obama-era advances ignores gender entirely as a concept, relying on a restrictive definition of biological sex to deny transgender people civil rights protection.

“Trump’s ongoing demonization of anyone who doesn’t look like his base is appalling,” says Michael D. Evans, chair of the Fresno County Democratic Party. “Civil rights should apply to every resident of our nation.”

Researchers say gender identity comes from the brain, not the genitals, and denying that is an act with potentially deadly consequences. Distress over the mind-body mismatch can become especially intense around puberty, and the risk of suicide shoots up for young people in this situation.

Transgender young people have high rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance use, self-harm and suicide. These problems are alleviated by allowing individuals to be perceived as their true gender identity. It is a simple act that can ease a lot of pain.

“We must decide who we are as Americans,” said Evans. “Do we accept the discrimination and hate advocated by Trump and the radical right, or do we stand in solidarity for civility and respect for everyone in our country?”

Trump and his allies in Congress are just warming up, and if we want to stop these despicable policies from harming trans folk across the country, we need to vote for Democrats this election.

People have the power. Vote on Nov. 6.

The Fresno County Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or .


Caravan to America



October 31, 2018

Caravan to America

fresno—It began in Honduras as a series of Facebook posts and WhatsApp conversations, as various small groups spoke of banding together for the journey north. Soon the idea developed a momentum of its own. People, fearing for their lives from crime, the government and starvation saw the notices and packed their bags within hours.

Many had considered fleeing north for a long time but lacked the thousands of dollars that guides usually charged. Safety in numbers was the only other alternative. So they started walking north. The vaguely defined caravan numbered around 7,000 when it crossed the Mexican border but has lessened to a few thousand now.

Across the political right, politicians have been screaming about a conspiracy. Donald Trump has accused the Democratic Party of bribing migrants. The Honduran ambassador to Mexico has blamed former Honduran legislator Bartolo Fuentes, whereas Vice President Mike Pence has blamed the government of Venezuela. However, this right-wing search for guilt is hopeless.

“Leave it to Donald Trump and the radical right to politicize yet another unfortunate situation,” says Michael D. Evans. “Individuals seeking asylum from the horrors in their own country should be given a fair and transparent hearing at our border.”

Irineo Mujica, director of Tijuana-based Pueblos Sin Fronteras, said, “(N)o one has the power to organize this many people. No one can engineer an exodus.” The migrants’ path has been eased by support from governments, the Roman Catholic Church, community groups and citizens.

The caravan members have heard Donald Trump’s opinion of them, and yet they continue to walk. These are people who believe there is a chance they will be shot by American military forces when they reach the border, and yet still prefer that to the prospects for survival in their home country.

An incredible number of the migrants have lost at least one family member to violence from gangs, the police, or the family member has simply disappeared without a trace. In the face of all of that, even this grueling and unrelenting march is preferable.

This is what the Republican Party does not understand. No amount of militarization at the border can stop this kind of movement. When people would rather walk into Border Guard rifles than stay in their home country, no expensive wall will keep them out.

Despite everything Trump has tried, the huddled masses still see the United States as a place where they might breathe free. The only answer is to help those who need it, protect those in danger and cooperate with other countries to try and make sure the migrants can have a safe home to return to.

The Fresno County Democratic Party urges the Trump administration to work with both parties to craft a nonpartisan solution to immigration to avoid the chaos and inhumane conditions suffered by those immigrants were separated from their children while attempting to enter the United States to request asylum.

“The strength of democracy is measured by a country’s adherence to basic principles¾freedom of the press, free and fair elections, the rights of minorities and the rule of law,” says Esperanza Avalos, a Fresno-based community organizer. “Attacks on the press, minorities, voter suppression and the laws that protect these rights weakens democracy.”

Inflammatory rhetoric that divides citizens, targets minorities and ignores the rule of law threatens the security of all citizens and gives extremists, domestic or foreign, fertile ground and greater room to operate.

“We need comprehensive immigration reform, and we need it now,” notes Evans. “There must be a pathway for workers to enter this country to satisfy the needs of our labor force, and we must provide a pathway to citizenship. The benefits from the diversity of our workforce and our society are limitless.”

People have the power. Vote on Nov. 6.

The Fresno County Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or



Fresno Democrats – Restoring Trust in CD22

Fresno Democrats – Restoring Trust in CD22


October 25, 2018

Restoring Trust in Congressional District 22

fresnoDevin Nunes is one of Donald Trump’s most loyal allies and the one most comfortable with Trump’s brand of bald-faced lies. Nunes has made headlines by spinning a web of accusations targeting the Justice Department’s investigation of Russian involvement in Trump’s election, and now that Nunes is up for reelection the lies have come home.

Nunes lives in a dark reality, swirling with enemies, one where despite controlling every branch of government the Republican Party is still the weak and pitiable victim of a mythical “deep state.”

            “Devin Nunes first and foremost needs to be held accountable for his inattention to the Central Valley,” says Michael D. Evans, chair of the Fresno County Democratic Party, “and then for his toady-istic grandstanding on behalf of the corrupt Trump administration.”

Nunes is following his master’s vilification of the media. A few weeks ago, he sent out a glossy 40-page magazine laying out a sinister conspiracy purported against him by the Fresno Bee and his electoral challenger Andrew Janz. Of the accusations, most are false, misunderstandings of how journalism works or anger at the legal First Amendment actions of private citizens.

That expensive mailer went out too early to include the fascinating Esquire article that examined the Nunes family farm, located in Iowa and dependent on undocumented immigrant labor. Nunes was again furious and immediately sent out a round of e-mails accusing Esquire of stalking his parents, despite the reporter making a single request for an interview and leaving when turned down.

            Janz is Nunes’ Democratic opponent and so is the most focused target of Nunes’ current batch of lies. Nunes has accused Janz of trespassing on the farm of Nunes’ uncle, Gerald Nunes. In fact, the Janz campaign was filming on an adjacent farm where it had written permission from the property owner to do so. The roadside where they parked is in fact a public right of way, but the Janz film crew still agreed to move their trucks to another roadside that did not border Gerald Nunes’ land. Gerald Nunes was asked to leave by the sheriff’s deputies.

Nunes also complains that Janz is campaigning while working as a Fresno County prosecutor. Janz’s boss, District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp, says this isn’t true and has thoroughly debunked this claim. The DA has had no issues with Janz and is not aware of him campaigning on county time at all.

            Nunes has lied repeatedly about the evidence against Trump’s campaign regarding Russia. He has lied about the media that reports on both his and the President’s mistakes. He has lied about his opponent, Andrew Janz, and the people of his district. All this has happened while the Congressional member has refused to face his constituents here in the Central Valley with any sort of town hall or public forum.

            “The time for change is now,” notes Evans. “Nunes serves in Washington at the behest of radical right-wing special interests—the much discussed ‘swamp.’ Andrew Janz will be a true advocate for delivering solutions to the Central Valley.”

People have the power. Vote on Nov. 6.

The Fresno County Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or
