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Boxer and Reich to speak at California Democratic Convention Feb. 26-28

From our friends at CADEM:

California Democrats Welcome U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich to 2016 Convention on February 26-28 in San Jose

Joining California Elected Leaders and 3,000 Delegates and Guests

SACRAMENTO – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich will address more than 3,000 attendees at the California Democrats State Convention on February 26-28 at the San Jose Convention Center.

Sen. Boxer, who is retiring from the Senate after 24 years, will address California Democrats during general session on Saturday, February 27. Secretary Reich will be the featured speaker at the California Democratic Party Dinner on Saturday night.

Delegates and observers will also hear from statewide, Congressional and Legislative leaders and invited speakers.

The California Democrats State Convention opens with welcome remarks from Chairman John Burton on Friday, February 26.

RSVP required for media access to the General Session Hall and Convention Center locations. Visit to apply for media credential.

The final speaking schedule will be available prior to Convention. Learn more at

End-of-meeting announcements: Feb. 3, 2016

What follows are the end-of-meeting announcements from the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee’s General Meeting, held Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016:

From Dottie Smith:

The Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club is hosting it’s 17th Annual DIA Fundraiser on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at Pardini’s. $75.00 in advance and $85.00 at the door. No host – 5:30 PM, Dinner and Program – 6:30 PM. Ten (10) local Democratic Trailblazers will be honored. Their presenters will be state, local and nationally known Democratic Leaders.

From Jeni-Ann Kren:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Clovis Democratic Club will be on Thursday, February 18, at 6:00 p.m. at Seven, 25 Shaw Avenue, Clovis. All are invited to attend.

From Daren Miller:

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From Chuck Krugman:

Fresno Stonewall Democrats will meet on Tuesday, February 9, 10 2016, at the Santa Fe Basque Restaurant, 3110 N. Maroa at Shields in Fresno. Dinner and social 6:00 P.M. meeting 7:00 P.M. Our speaker will be Louie Campos Democratic candidate for Congress in the 22nd Congressional district. Additionally we will be considering by laws changes allowing for an immediate endorsement in a special election when only one Democrat is running and a change addressing the quorum to conduct business from the current 20% of membership to five members.

Fresno Stonewall Democrats represents the interests of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Fresno and the surrounding area through the Democratic party. For more information visit email or call 559-266-9237. All are welcome to attend.

Buy Tickets Now: Sixth Annual Fresno County Democratic Party Fund Raiser Dinner April 22

Buy Tickets Now: Sixth Annual Fresno County Democratic Party Fund Raiser Dinner April 22

Sponsor or purchase tickets to the Fresno County Democratic Party’s Sixth Annual Fund-Raiser, “Together We Win!” to be held on Friday, April 22, at the Golden Palace (2625 W. Vassar Ave.) in Fresno. Your support will help us secure the necessary funding to register voters, educate voters and get out the vote to elect Democrats.

Purchase tickets now at

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For more information, call 559-495-0606.

Precinct Leader Program training scheduled Feb. 8

The Fresno County Democratic Party’s countywide Precinct Leader Program is under way. This initiative provides activist Democrats with an excellent opportunity to make a difference in their own neighborhood. This program has shown proven results, and the more precinct leaders we can engage in 2016, the greater our likelihood of success.

A precinct leader training will be held on Monday, February 8, at 6 p.m. at the Democratic Party HQ (1035 U St.). E-mail the project coordinator, Estella Kessler (, to RSVP for the training so that she can prepare your precinct list ahead of the training. Help elect Democrats in Fresno County!