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FCDWC Eleanor Roosevelt’s Birthday

Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club annual celebration of Eleanor Roosevelt’s Birthday

October 14, 2017 11:30 am-2:00 PM

Santa Fe Basque Restaurant and Bar

3110 N Maroa Ave,  Fresno

(corner of Shields and Maroa)


Reminder: El Concilio de Fresno Community Meeting/Luncheon Friday, September 29, 2017 at the Chicano Youth Center

El Concilio de Fresno, Inc.

Office:  1515 E. Divisidero Street, Suite 107

Mail:  P.O. Box 4236

Fresno, CA 93744-4236

Phone:  559-486-5350 – Fax:  559-486-5350


– Join Us! –


Just a friendly reminder about our upcoming El Concilio community luncheon/meeting that will be held next Friday, September 29, 2017.  The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Chicano Youth Center located in the Alfonso Hernandez Jr. Youth and Community Center, 1515 E Divisadero St., Fresno, CA 93721.  The meeting will start promptly at 12 Noon. Our special guest speaker is:


Mr. John Z. Leal, Board President

State Center Community College District Trustee

State Center Community College District


Your support and participation make a difference to better serve our community.  Should you have an announcement to share with our members, please send me an email with brief details and I will list you on the agenda.  Please invite interested guests and potential new members. I Look forward to welcoming everyone on the 29th!


Eddie Varela, President

El Concilio de Fresno, Inc.


Phone:  559-360-9797

AJUA! –  Community Events Calendar
Date Event
2017 Email your event info and I will post here.  Let’s keep our community informed.
26 Southeast Fresno Community Forum hosted by Fresno City College officials. Discussion to center on $531 million Measure C Bonds proceeds to improve education and training facilities in our community.  Event starts at 5:30pm at Sunnyside High School Cafeteria, 1019 S. Peach Ave., Fresno, CA 93727.
29 El Concilio Community Meeting/luncheon.  The meeting will be held at the Chicano Youth Center located in the Alfonso Hernandez Jr. Youth and Community Center, 1515 E Divisadero St. Fresno, CA 93721.  Meeting starts promptly at 12 Noon.  See you there!
30 Join Arte Americas 30th Anniversary Celebration. 6pm – 10pm.  See attached event flyer for more information.
27 El Concilio Community Meeting/luncheon.  The meeting will be held at the Chicano Youth Center located in the Alfonso Hernandez Jr. Youth and Community Center, 1515 E Divisadero St. Fresno, CA 93721.  Meeting starts promptly at 12 Noon.  See you there!

Invite to Regional Meeting – CD4

Hello Fresno Democrats,

I wanted to share meeting about our next Regional Meeting next Sunday Oct 1 in Oakhurst–

in which we will have a full day of training for democratic activists and organizers,

as well as a big focus on the race to beat Tom McClintock.

You are welcome to attend – please RSVP to be counted for the free lunch.

Your regional director Humberto Gomez has stated that he will attend.

Thank you, kindly please see below-

Amy Champ

Regional Director, Region 4


Hello Democrats of Region 4!

I am writing to remind you:

We are having our next regional meeting & training on Oct 1 in Oakhurst.

Please follow this link to RSVP on Eventbrite, and help us get a solid headcount for lunch:

So far we have about 75 people attending, and plenty of room for many more.

Thank you kindly for your RSVP!


I will host a CDP business meeting in the morning – from 9:30-10:30am –

1.) I will briefly introduce our Voter Outreach plan for the region (exciting and CRITICAL!!!),

which will be outlined in greater detail later in the day.

2.) Please bring any Resolutions you would like us to discuss and endorse as a region.

3.) We will also host a Party Platform Hearing all day,

thanks to our Platform Committee member Martha Acevedo.

She will be on site to receive any and all written feedback 

you may have on our Party Platform, which is currently up for revision. 

This is your chance to make your voice heard on the issues you care about.

Please do not miss out on this opportunity to get your ideas put into the party platform!!

4.) Starting at 10:30am, will have a full day of organizer training

including a free lunch, with a special emphasis on how to win in our Congressional races.

5.) We are inviting as many statewide candidates as possible, who will give brief

presentations during our lunch hour.

**If you are a candidate who would like to speak, please email:

Patty Hughes –


I am moving the regional meetings to different locations around our region,

so all the local groups can get a day of training close to home.

That’s why we are having a training “way out” in Oakhurst! 

Please join us for this important day of rural outreach, so we can organize together.

Thank you very much to Sierra Forward and 

Madera County Democratic Central Committee

for graciously sponsoring our lunch!!! 

And to the California Nurses Association

for sponsoring our hall rental.

And to Patty Hughes, Susan Rowe, Lowell Young and the local Dem clubs for organizing this meeting!


I am working on verifying your club membership rosters, and will contact you mid-October about your number of endorsement voting reps!

Our next Regional Meeting will be mid-January in Modesto!

***Please mark your calendar: Our pre-endorsement conference will be on January 28, 2018.


90% of the information I send will usually go to your county chairperson. I will always try to make sure everyone gets a personal invite to Regional Meetings, and I am sorry for any delays this time in that regard.

Your contact information is secure, and I will not share anyone’s contact information whatsoever with anyone else. 

*If you are a member of more than one club, you may receive more than one copy of this email.

All my best and hope to see you soon,

Amy Champ