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Join us in planting 270+ trees!

Join us in Planting 270+ Trees!


We will plant in two “waves” beginning at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Volunteers can opt to work one or both waves each day. Students, parents, neighbors and friends of trees throughout the community are invited to a participate. 


Please bring work gloves, wear closed toed shoes and long pants. Tree Fresno will provide tools.



Brianna Woodsford:

Register to Volunteer

How You Can Help Fight Family Separation at the Border

ACTION ALERT: How You Can Help Fight Family Separation at the Border

At HOPE, we are morally opposed to the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which has resulted in the separation of more than 2,000 children from their parents at the Southern U.S. border. As a nation we have always protected the integrity and sanctity of family. The Trump Administration’s policy of separating children from their parents is cruel and un-American and must stop immediately. 

As an organization dedicated to the economic and political parity of Latinas and the health and welfare of families, we stand with the president of the American Academy Pediatrics – this abuse of children must end.

HOPE is monitoring this rapidly-changing political situation and news has just broken that the White House may be drafting an executive action to stop family separations. We encourage the President to take this step. Our voices are needed now until there is an end to this devastating policy once and for all.

We are committed to taking action and offer the following list of resources you can use to take action today. We hope you will join us.



·        Call your U.S. Senator: the government will bend to public pressure, make sure your representative know you will not stand for the practice of needlessly separating children from their parents.

·        March on June 30th: pledge to join #FamiliesBelongTogether actions around the country and in Washington D.C. Find an event near you here.


·        Register to vote and vote on November 6th for representatives who believe and uphold policies and institutions that protect migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

·       Make sure your friends and family are registered to vote. Let’s make our voice heard.


·        Volunteer to help families or other detained immigrants through the Immigration Justice Campaign.

·        If you are an attorney, an interpreter, or fluent in a second language, call legal service providers to volunteer your services. Find a list here.

·        Find out how you can foster children in need of a safe, stable home through the United States Conference on Catholic Bishops or the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

·        Consider becoming a detention visitation volunteer.


·        Al Otro Lado is a binational organization that works to offer legal services to deportees and migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, including deportee parents whose children remain in the U.S.

·        CARA—a consortium of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association—provides legal services at family detention centers.

·        Kids in Need of Defense works to ensure that kids do not appear in immigration court without representation, and to lobby for policies that advocate for children’s legal interests. Donate here.

·        RAICES is the largest immigration nonprofit in Texas offering free and low-cost legal services to immigrant children and families. Donate here and sign up as a volunteer here.

·        Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights works for the rights of children in immigration proceedings.

·        The Kino Border Initiative which provides humanitarian aid to refugees and migrants on both sides of the border has a list of supplies they can use to help migrants and families staying in the communities they serve.

·        The National Immigrant Justice Center represents and advocates for detained adults and children facing removal, supports efforts at the border, and represents parents in the interior who have been separated from their families as a result of aggressive enforcement.

·       Donate to Immigrant Defenders Law Center, the only local organization working with shelters in California that have unaccompanied minors.

Sign the Petition: Condemn the Trump Administration’s Attack on Pre-existing Condition Protections

“Got a preexisting condition? The Trump administration wants insurers to deny you coverage.” — Los Angeles Times

Add your name to Kamala’s petition condemning the Trump Administration for trying to rip away protections for millions of those with a pre-existing condition. Take action before it’s too late.

sign the petition →

Here’s the deal: the Affordable Care Act ensures millions of Americans with a pre-existing condition can gain access to affordable health care.

It’s one of the most critical parts of Obamacare.

But the Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress are desperate to undo these protections and allow insurance companies to deny coverage for the roughly 130 million who have some form of a pre-existing condition.

They even argued in court last week AGAINST the ban on insurance companies discriminating against people based on pre-existing conditions. If they succeed, up to 130 million could be denied care.

That would be catastrophic for our country — add your name if you agree:

Sign our petition telling the Trump Administration to stop trying to take health care away from tens of millions of Americans suffering from pre-existing conditions.

sign the petition →

As Kamala has said, we must create a system where all people have access to affordable health care. It should not matter where you live, how much money you make, or whether you have a pre-existing condition.

Health care is a right — and all people deserve quality care.

Thanks for adding your voice to this fight.

—Team Kamala

sign the petition →

Happy Tax Day?

Dear Friend,

April 17, 2018 – Today is the day our taxes are due under the old tax law.  Next year we’ll be filing under the new tax law pushed by Donald Trump and supported by Rep. Tom McClintock. The new law limits deductions for state and local taxes. That hurts Californians. McClintock voted for it. Worse, while punishing California, the new law benefits Texas and Florida. States that voted for Trump. A coincidence? Probably not.

The California Association of Realtors estimates that the doubling of the standard deduction, and the capping of the deductibility of property taxes, will cause home values to decline in California.  The limit on deductibility of local property taxes is yet another subsidy for the “red” states in the South and Midwest by high-property-value “blue” states on the coasts.

The Trump/McClintock Tax plan also repeals the portion of the Affordable Care Act that mandates individuals obtain health insurance.  The Congressional Budget Office estimates that one change alone will cause premiums to rise by 10% for everyone else.

The bottom line: Increased health insurance premiums for people in California’s 4th CD; and, at the same time, decreased home values for us, too. Trump and McClintock crow about “tax cuts” but they don’t tell you the rest of the story. Among other things cuts to individuals are temporary, while cuts for corporations are permanent. The loss of deductibles and the loss of property values are something else they don’t talk about. Makes you wonder why….

So, before you vote in June and again in November, think about the Trump/McClintock “Shift and Shaft” tax scheme. Who benefits from the shift? And who gets the shaft?  

Help us retire Tom McClintock and replace him with someone who will look out for the best interests of the people here in the 4th CD.


CDP Weekly Update

Weekly Update – 4/13/18

It’s been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of this week’s activities. 

Aileen Rizo 9th Circuit Victory is a Game Changer for Women

On Tuesday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a monumental decision that strikes at one of the core reasons the gender pay gap has persisted. The Court’s decision means that employers are no longer able to justify paying a woman less than her male counterparts just because she used to make less in her previous job.

What makes this victory even more poignant for us is the fact that the plaintiff, Aileen Rizo, is our endorsed candidate running for Assembly District 23 in the Central Valley. CDP Vice Chair Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker and Secretary Jenny Bach sent out a message thanking and congratulating Aileen for this tremendous victory – as they said in their statement, “women deserve equal pay for equal work. This is simply a matter of justice.”

Thank you, Aileen, for winning this historic victory, and for stepping up to run for Assembly! This is how progress gets made.

RIP Gloria Alves

We were deeply saddened this afternoon to hear about the passing of Gloria Alves, a longtime activist with the New Frontier Democratic Club and member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Staff. Many of us at the CDP have known Gloria for years, and we can state unequivocally that she was one of the kindest, most compassionate, most caring individuals to ever serve our Party.

She was truly a joy for all of us to know – in particular, CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman, who previously served as LACDP Chair and worked with Gloria for almost two decades. Our thoughts and prayers are with the staff and members of the LACDP, and with Gloria’s family and many friends who are grieving the loss of such a wonderful woman.

CD 21 Special Endorsing Caucus

Earlier this week, the Delegates from CD 21 took part in a Special Endorsing Caucus to determine our endorsement in the fight to unseat David Valadao, one of Trump’s most loyal acolytes in the House.  

The Special Endorsing Caucus was held after our previously endorsed candidate ultimately withdrew from the race, and Delegates unanimously chose TJ Cox – a business owner with lifelong ties to the Central Valley – as our endorsed candidate.

This is going to be one of the top races in the fall. We have a great candidate,  we have phenomenal Grassroots Democrats throughout the District, and that’s a winning combination. Valadao better start packing his bags!

Reminder –  Pay Your Dues! 

(if you haven’t already)

We want to thank the vast majority of Delegates who have paid their DSCC Dues for the year,  and we want to gently remind Tardy Turtles to get their dues in as soon as possible! Paying your dues is easy – simply log in to the new CDP Member Portal and select the link at the top of the page.

Alternatively, you can mail checks to Your CDP Headquarters:

California Democratic Party
1830 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811

(Please be sure to include your Delegate ID number if you have it)

Member dues are a vital source of revenue for the CDP, and help us offset some of the costs of Convention and Executive Board meetings. Please get your dues in today 🙂

It’s Friday the 13th…

But this guy still isn’t as scary as John Bolton.

206 Days until the Election!

–CDP Weekly Update