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Subject: California Democratic Party New Delegate Training

Good Morning DCC Chairs and Regional Directors, 

I wanted to take a moment to share with you a fantastic training opportunity that I, in consultation with Sacramento Central Labor Council, CDP Region 3 Director and PCDP Chair Tomas Vera, have been working on putting together over the last few months. In 2017 the state party put together various delegate trainings across the state leading up to the 2017 State Convention. When it became evident that the state was not planning to do the same this cycle, I reached out to the previous facilitator, Four Waters Media, and got them on board to do a training this year. Luckily after a few months of planning, the state party has gotten on board and is sponsoring the training. 

On Saturday February 23rd from 1-5pm, the California Democratic Party will be hosting a New Delegate Training in Sacramento. The training is open to any Registered Democrat, but focuses on delegate responsibilities. Attached is the flyer for the event. There is also an eventbrite registration link that the facilitators request everyone who wants to attend sign up for. The training has limited seating (about 170 people) and is being conducted at the Sacramento Central Labor Council. As this training is for Northern California, we anticipate participation from all over the area. This event is being shared with all regional directors and DCC Chairs in Northern/Central California to encourage their delegates to attend to learn more about the process. 

As there are a lot of new delegates, please be sure to send this out to your delegates to inform them of this training opportunity. 

To RSVP to the event, please sign up here: