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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.



Tulsi Gabbard for President



Friend —

In just a moment we’re going to ask if you will consider making your first donation to Tulsi’s campaign for President. With this quarter’s critical FEC filing deadline just around the corner, Tulsi is counting on your support.

But first we wanted to make sure you heard: A new Monmouth University poll released today means Tulsi is back on the debate stage in October. 

Today’s news should not come as a surprise to any of us. Tulsi has consistently been polling in the top 10 in every state poll and the momentum of our campaign has been steadily gaining ground exactly where it matters: In early state polling, with local and independent media, and in the hearts and minds of Americans who want better for the country they love.

But we need your help to keep this momentum going — with the political establishment making it clear they do not want to see Tulsi on that debate stage, this is truly a campaign of, by and for the people. We’re less than a week away from our critical September third quarter fundraising deadline, can we count on your support now?

Don’t let the establishment drown us out. Friend, can Tulsi count on you to make your first campaign donation to keep her in this fight? Pitch in just $1 to help close out the quarter with a surge in the books to match Tulsi’s surge in the polls.

Our campaign is a triumph against the odds and against the status quo. The political establishment has done everything they can to shut Tulsi out of the positive mainstream coverage regularly doled out to establishment darlings like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren – coverage worth millions of dollars in free advertising. Tulsi isn’t interested in playing political games or jumping through the hoops set up by the political elite. She’s here for we, the people.

Tulsi’s platform is only as large as we build it: In September Tulsi was denied a spot on the DNC debate stage and therefore the opportunity to reach millions of people with her important message in one night. Now we need to make up lost ground and make sure Tulsi walks onto that Ohio stage in October on equal footing.

Will you make your first donation to Tulsi’s campaign by contributing just $1 now?

Despite being up against all odds, Tulsi is steadily gaining grassroots momentum, proving it is the people, not the party, who will determine our next president. 

Thank you for all that you do,


PS — We will never ask any person to give what they cannot easily afford. If you are unable to contribute financially at this time for whatever reason, we understand and we’d appreciate your support whether it’s sharing Tulsi’s important message on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram… or signing up to volunteer. It’s all of these combined actions that make our campaign strong. Thank you.



PO Box 75255 Kapolei HI 96707

The truth is that email is one of the most important tools we have to update supporters like you. It is one way we come together as a community of progressives to make change in this world.


Finally, if you believe we need to end the culture of corruption and greed in Washington, then now is the time to make a contribution to TULSI 2020. If you’d like to make a recurring contribution to TULSI 2020, please click here.