The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
Yesterday the California Young Democrats voted overwhelmingly to endorse me for State Superintendent of Public Instruction!
I am honored to receive the endorsement of an organization that represents the next generation of California’s leaders. The California College Democrats also endorsed me – the biggest student endorsement in this race yet!
Young Democrats are fired up – they know what’s at stake, and they are ready to fight for public education that serves every California student.
Are you ready to stand with us to oppose Betsy DeVos and her agenda to privatize public education?
Our campaign will be up against millions of dollars in campaign spending from billionaires who believe that they know more about education than students, teachers, and parents. Will you help us fight back for democratic, public education by making a contribution today?
Together, we will work to eliminate the achievement gap, by investing in early education, expanding STEM education, making higher education more affordable, and supporting students and teachers. Together, we will work to make California’s public education system #1 in the nation once again.
Thank you for your support,
Tony Thurmond
P.S. This weekend our campaign will be at the California Democratic Party meeting in Millbrae. Are you available to volunteer? Click here to send an email to my team for more details on volunteering this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thanks!