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It’s never been more clear: Republicans are determined to end Roe v. Wade.

This spring, we saw states across our country attack reproductive rights. So now, we need a new national law to codify Roe and protect it from Justices like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court — that’s why I’m excited to endorse Marie Newman for Congress. She’s a Democrat running in a primary against one of the few anti-choice Democrats left on Capitol Hill, and she needs our support.

This race is about what we value as a party, and I sure as hell know where I stand. What about you?

If you support a woman’s right to choose — and equality for all Americans — I hope you’ll join me in supporting Marie Newman’s campaign for Congress in Illinois with a donation of $1 or more today.


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This weekend, I’m participating in a Planned Parenthood forum in South Carolina with fellow 2020 candidates to talk about our records and beliefs on reproductive rights, and why we’re committed to protecting these rights in the White House.

I’m proud of my record in Washington state — last year, I signed a bill into law that would require all health insurers to cover abortion if they also cover maternity care. It also mandated coverage for every form of birth control — including emergency contraception — without any out-of-pocket costs.

But we know that in other states reproductive healthcare is under attack. Bills passed recently in Alabama, Ohio, Missouri, Georgia, and even Democrat-led Louisiana are proof positive that we need more champions for women in Washington, D.C. — because being a Democrat simply isn’t enough.

Marie Newman is that champion, and I hope you’ll support her right now.

These state-sponsored bills, support for the Hyde Amendment — which blocks abortion coverage for women under federally funded health care programs like Medicaid, the VA, and the Indian Health Service — and promises from right-wing groups to challenge Roe back at the Supreme Court are proof we need to elect more women — and more champions like Marie — right now.

I’m proud to support Marie Newman in her congressional primary, because reproductive healthcare is healthcare, plain and simple. Now, we need more national champions in Congress to agree — donate $1 or more today to help elect Marie to Congress in 2020.

Very truly yours,



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