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As a kid growing up, I didn’t have access to many progressive role models. I was in high school the first time I met then-Congressman Xavier Becerra. I found myself in student government, working to get my school’s community more engaged with our students.

That’s when former Congressman Becerra encouraged me to get involved in local politics. Because of him, I came to have a voice on issues critical to our state’s future. He believes in the impact each activist engaged in our Party can have on shaping not just our Party’s, but our state’s – and, ultimately, our nation’s – future.

That’s why I’m supporting Attorney General Becerra in his bid to remain our Attorney General.

Whether by fighting to protect federal laws that support access to birth control or protecting DREAMers or working to keep our air and water clean, Attorney General Becerra has shown time and time again that he’s got our back.

Will you join me in supporting Attorney General Xavier Becerra?

Thank you,

Mark Gonzalez

Chair, LA County Democratic Party