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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


For Immediate Release

April 12, 2017
Contact: Dave Jacobson, (818) 943-2348
Maclen Zilber, (510) 508-9142
Jacobson & Zilber Strategies


LOS ANGELES, CA — Showcasing his growing, broad-based support among grassroots activists, delegates as well as Democratic Party and progressive cause loyalists, today California Democratic Party Vice Chair Eric C. Bauman earned a formidable endorsement in his bid for Chair of the state’s Democratic Party from California Democratic Party Rural Caucus Chair Jamie Beutler.

In announcing her support, California Democratic Party Rural Caucus Chair Jamie Beutler released the following statement:

“Eric Bauman has been a strong supporter of rural counties for longer than I have been active in the Party — 15 years.  From the first moment I became Rural Caucus Chair, Eric has been a source of encouragement and inspiration. He truly cares about our rural counties, and he understands the importance of supporting our hardworking activists in these areas. He comes to our meetings, dinners, and activities, when no one else will.

“From the beginning of my service as Rural Caucus Chair, he personally got involved and provided resources, counsel, and information. He helped our rural activists to become more sophisticated and effective. He arranged meetings with urban legislators from around the state to raise awareness of rural issues. Those meetings were instrumental in getting a bill passed in both houses of the State Legislature without any opposition at all! Unanimous votes from both parties in both houses! That would never have happened without his assistance.

“Eric’s genuine affinity for rural California and his extensive experience are what we need in today’s challenging political climate. He will not only lead the way forward for California, but will provide a model for the rest of the nation to follow. I am proud to endorse Eric Bauman to be the next Chair of the California Democratic Party.”

CDP Rural Caucus Chair Jamie Beutler adds to the list of endorsements Bauman has received from leaders and organizations throughout the red and rural areas of California, including:

·        Kings County Democratic Party
·        Stanislaus County Democratic Central Committee (straw poll winner)
·        Fresno-Madera-Tulare-Kings Central Labor Council
·        San Joaquin County Democratic Party Vice-Chair Maria Patterson
·        CDP Regional Director Doug Kessler
·        CDP Regional Director Jeannie Kleaver
·        And many others

Eric C. Bauman a registered nurse, a grassroots activist, and a proven leader.  He is the Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party and Chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, the largest local Democratic Party in the nation. His campaign for CDP Chair is building a wide-ranging coalition of support that represents every corner of our state and all its great diversity.

For more information, please visit

*Titles for identification purposes only.