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Reaching our party’s end-of-quarter fundraising goal couldn’t be more crucial to electing Democrats up and down the ballot in the months ahead.

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Our country is facing a complete absence of moral leadership under Donald Trump — and he’s proud of it.

He’s proposed over a trillion dollars in cuts to essential programs like Medicare and Medicaid. He’s mocked the very existence of climate change while slashing environmental protections for our air and water. And let’s be clear, Jeff: The real “national emergency” on our border is that there are still immigrant children separated from their families.

As governor, I’ve already said that our great state of California will not be part of his political theatre. But ultimately, the only way we can end Donald Trump and Republicans’ stranglehold on our politics is by electing a Democrat to the Oval Office next year and winning seats nationwide.

Sunday at midnight, the Democratic Party faces an important milestone in our fight to defeat Trump and his Republican allies in 2020. Reaching our party’s end-of-quarter fundraising goal is crucial to staying on track to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. That’s why I’m coming to you with an important request:

Will you make a $10 contribution to the DNC before Sunday’s midnight deadline? Your donation will be put straight to work funding the critical party infrastructure necessary to support our party’s eventual nominee for president and Democrats across the country.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Or donate another amount.

We as a country desperately need to return to our basic humanity and decency by electing leaders who will stand up for our values. That is why the DNC has already begun the work it will take to win governors’ races this year and seats up and down the ballot in 2020. Here’s a snapshot of what your contribution helps fund:

  • Organizing early in key battleground states Democrats lost narrowly in 2016
  • Revolutionizing the party’s tech and data infrastructure to provide the best tools to campaigns and state parties
  • Building a robust voter protection department that will help ensure every eligible citizen in this country is able to cast a ballot free of unnecessary barriers

Strategic investments like these are what will determine if we can elect progressive leadership in the months ahead — and the truth is, the strength of these programs depends on grassroots supporters like you standing with us. That is why your support today is so important.

Donate $10 before Sunday’s deadline to fund the critical DNC programs that will help lift our eventual nominee for president and Democrats across the country to victory next year. Your support is what makes this work possible.

Thank you for standing up for what is right,


Gavin Newsom
Governor of California

P.S. I’m proud that Democratic states like ours are acting as the first line of defense against Trump’s recklessness, but we have to do more to restore dignified leadership to our country in the months ahead. Chip in $10, or whatever you can afford, to help elect a Democratic president and win seats nationwide in 2020.

If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we’d love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.