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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Alex Padilla

Stand with Secretary of State Alex Padilla

you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

Last week, Donald Trump and Kris Kobach’s voter suppression commission held their second meeting where they heard select testimony. And at the meeting, the commission was asked — seriously — to require background checks of all citizens who want to exercise their right to vote.

It may sound hard to believe, but it’s just another day in the Trump administration: another double-down on efforts to disenfranchise voters. We must continue to resist with everything we have.

Thank you for taking action last week and sharing our graphic calling on Donald Trump to fire Kris Kobach. Now, will you take the next step? Please send a contribution of $3 to our campaign today to help me continue fighting back against Trump’s agenda of discrimination and voter suppression.

Background checks weren’t the only wild proposal that came out last week. The sham commission took more testimony on outrageous claims, like Kris Kobach’s most recent lie: that thousands of illegal votes were cast in New Hampshire last year — despite zero proof or evidence.

Michael, imagine a world in which our leaders were working hard to make it easier, not harder, for eligible voters to cast their ballots. Our democracy deserves nothing less.

Join me in resisting Kris Kobach and Donald Trump’s sham voter suppression commission with a contribution of $3 today.

Thank you for everything you do,

Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State