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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

I am a full time volunteer for Delaine Eastin for Governor because we need her capable, courageous leadership now more than ever to fight for OUR values, especially given the current White House occupant.

We have our first fundraising deadline TODAY and your financial support is critical so we can build Delaine’s ‘bank’ to compete against the establishment and career politicians who come to the race with less vision but big bank accounts funded by special interests. Will you give today and help her produce a strong showing?

Delaine has been a long-time supporter of everything that has helped California thrive — our once-revered education system, our celebrated diversity, our leadership for the environment and our focus on being the first to do the right thing for our people and our planet. Her corporate experience as an Accounting Manager and Corporate Planner helped her develop fiscal discipline as well as a deep knowledge of the difference between expense and investment. We need that understanding in Sacramento.

Delaine has been underestimated in every race she has ever run, and she has never lost a race. Her message and her record speak to voters, and her authenticity lets voters know they can trust her to do the right thing.

One of Delaine’s favorite quotes is from Neil Postman: “Children are a living message we send to a time we will never see.” What message are we sending? With Delaine, I promise that message will be that the adults planned for a brighter future for children and for California.

I hope you will reach out to me to discuss further if you have questions or suggestions – my contact information is below. Please give today and get involved with this important mission for the future of California — and for the smallest Californians. Please spread the word.

Thank you,

Katherine Welch
Campaign Chair, Delaine Eastin for Governor 2018