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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

My name is Alex San Martin. I am a lifelong democrat and Sacramento resident. Like many Californians, I am a descendant of immigrants who came here seeking a better life for their family. Their hard work and dedication enabled my opportunities to attend and complete college, work in public service, and, now, run for an officer position in the Democratic Party.


I am not a career politician, but instead a career public servant with 10 years-experience. I started my public service career working as an Administrative Coordinator with the Chicano Latino Caucus CDP, Latino Liaison African American Caucus CDP, served on the membership committee with the Disability Caucus CDP,  and worked for LA Council member Tony Cardenas, District 6. I also worked at the California State Senate in 2016.  The past 10 years have led me to this candidacy for Secretary of the California Democratic Party. Just as I have worked hard to fight for all Californians, I will work hard to fight for the proper direction and sustainability of our party.


As a working class individual myself, I understand and am in touch with the issues that face those for whom we fight.  I have helped protest for affordable housing in San Francisco and Los Angeles when gentrification becomes the norm in every city in California, worked with disability rights advocates to give those not represented a voice. I have helped advocate for single payer healthcare and employment for people who have a hard time finding work.


I can relate to everyday life experiences with my own personal story.  I have Medi-Cal and Medicare health insurance and my experience and need of it has given me the appreciation for social services that I would not otherwise have if it were not for the State of California providing these services for me and other Californians. I fight for these issues everyday. I have Cerebral Palsy and I don’t quit and stop, I fight for everything I get and that is what I will continue to do for the people in California.


During this time of change, I ask for your vote and, ultimately, your trust in my abilities to help shape the party to reflect what we believe in. As someone who uses such programs as Medicare and Medi-Cal, I understand the complexities of a progressive, albeit complicated and far from perfect, health care law. As an outsider, I am not swayed by backroom party agenda or big money politics. As a Californian, I understand what is at stake and what every day people want from THEIR party. We serve you.


Alex San Martin
For Secretary CDP