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Kamala Harris

This week, Democrats won incredible victories by embracing our diversity and rejecting the politics of hate.

In a few short weeks, we can do it again in Alabama, where we have a real chance to fill Jeff Sessions’ vacated Senate seat with Doug Jones — a man of integrity who has fearlessly taken on the KKK and fought for working families his entire career.

Doug’s opponent is just like Donald Trump — a divisive and dangerous politician who preys on the most vulnerable among us. His name is Roy Moore, and he is anti-woman, anti-LGBT, and believes Muslim Americans, like Keith Ellison, shouldn’t be allowed to serve in Congress.

Doug Jones is a good man who needs our help.

I never thought a Democrat would have a chance to win in Alabama, but Doug is running an incredible campaign — embracing what makes America truly great: our diversity, our character, and our resilience in the face of adversity.

If he wins, it will be a devastating blow to Trump’s agenda — making it even more difficult for Republicans to take away our health care, cut taxes on the wealthy, or approve the radical judicial nominees of this president.

We need to do what Democrats did on Tuesday: show up and be the difference in taking back our country. That’s why I’m asking you today to support Doug’s campaign.

Thanks for everything you do.

Kamala Harris
U.S. Senate, California