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t’s news in Alabama, Michae

Democrats/Join us.

I’m alarmed by last night’s news in Alabama.

Last night, Republicans in the Alabama state Senate voted to ban nearly all abortions, at all stages of pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest. They voted to impose draconian criminal penalties — like a 99-year prison sentence — for doctors who perform abortions in the state.

I’m disgusted by this blatant attack against women and our health care, which is part of a larger extremist effort to overturn Roe v. Wade. But I’m not losing sight of how we can make sure this does not happen across the nation: By electing Democrats everywhere in 2019 and 2020, including states like Alabama.

Just look at how we got here:

  • A Republican president nominated two extremist, anti-choice justices to the Supreme Court, tipping the court’s balance against abortion rights;
  • Both justices were narrowly confirmed by a Republican-controlled Senate;
  • Republican-controlled state legislatures took their cue and passed 6-week abortion bans in Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio. Now, Republican lawmakers have essentially banned abortion outright in Alabama.

The only way to stop these attacks is to elect Democrats nationwide. It’s not going to be easy, but we’ve done it before — just look at the incredible gains we made in red states in 2018.

We have everything to lose here. We can’t go back.

Thanks for being a part of this fight,


Seema Nanda
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

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