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My name is Aileen Rizo and as a lifelong learner with two master’s degrees, I have spent over 20 years in education and I have purposefully worked in mathematics education at all levels to close academic achievement gaps, empower lower economic communities, and promote groups underrepresented in these fields. In 2012, I began a fight for pay equity and became an advocate for the economic security of women in our state, working with both legislators and advocates to pass some of the strongest pay equity bills in the nation. I believe that when we pay women fairly, we make families and communities stronger. Like many in our area I have become concerned and disappointed by the way we have been represented in Sacramento. Issues that affect the growing diverse people in our district like workers rights, education, and safe and healthy environments are currently being ignored. As a mother of three children I want to know that they will grow up in a place where they are treated equally, where they can get a quality education, and where they can be healthy. Change can happen if we stand together.

Thank you for your support,

Aileen Rizo for CA Assembly District 23