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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Students across the country are taking to the streets to demand that our elected officials act on climate change. It’s inspiring. And I promise you this: Their activism, their passion, and their organizing smarts will transform our country.

This is exactly why I’m running: There is a national movement building to defeat climate change. And this movement needs a president that will stand alongside them and put climate change first on the national agenda — regardless of the lack of action from Donald Trump and Republicans in D.C.

Add your name to join me in supporting the Climate Strike across America today.

We have just over a decade to defeat climate change before it’s too late. For these striking leaders, they know inaction condemns them to a lifetime of an environment scarred by fires, droughts, hurricanes, political instability, and more.

These students refuse to wait, and frankly, they’re right: That’s why I’m proposing a bold climate mission for our country that builds a new economy based on clean energy and justice. While the planet begs for action, Donald Trump drags us backwards, rolling back climate protections. To defeat climate change, we must defeat Trump. So our challenge today is to build from the inspiration provided by the Climate Strike and commit to the hard work ahead of winning this election based on putting climate action front and center.

Some Climate Strike leaders wrote in an open letter that, “We have the right to live our dreams and hopes. Climate change is already happening. People did die, are dying and will die because of it, but we can and will stop this madness.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself. We will stop it, and we’ll do it together.

If you’re as inspired by these activists as I am, add your name next to mine to show your support for the Climate Strike today.

Very truly yours,



No fossil fuel money. No corporate PACs. Just you. Join our movement to elect a president who will defeat climate change.


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