Content warning: The following email contains references to gun violence and mass shootings that the reader may find upsetting.
Columbine. Sandy Hook. Charleston. Pulse. Las Vegas. Parkland. Pittsburgh. And now El Paso and Dayton. They’re etched into the American consciousness.
These are just a few of the countless communities across America who have been ravaged by gun violence, having endured unimaginable loss and grief.
And on average, 100 people are killed in the U.S. by a gun every day — everywhere from our homes, to our streets, to our playgrounds.
Gun violence is a public health crisis. So today, I’m announcing our new plan to protect our communities from it. And my goal as president will be to reduce the number of people who die from guns every year in the United States by 80%.
I’ll take executive action to rein in an out-of-control gun industry. We’ll break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress by passing sweeping anti-corruption legislation and getting rid of the filibuster. I’ll sign comprehensive gun violence prevention legislation into law within my first 100 days, and we’ll revisit it every single year — keeping what works and adding new ideas based on the data — to continually reduce the number of gun deaths in America.
But we’ll only get all of this done as a grassroots movement. If you agree that we need to take action on gun violence, add your name to join this fight today:
Here’s how it’ll work:
1. Take executive action to reduce gun violence.
I’ll do as much as possible from the White House, including extending federal rules to cover the vast majority of gun purchases — that means requiring background checks for sales at gun shows and online.
My administration will investigate and prosecute all those who circumvent or violate existing federal gun laws — including prosecuting gun traffickers, revoking licenses for gun dealers who break the rules, and investigating the NRA and its cronies for exploiting laws on nonprofit spending.
We’ll use existing rules to protect survivors of domestic abuse by closing the so-called “boyfriend loophole” to cover any form of romantic partner with a domestic violence conviction, rescind the Trump-era rules and policies that have weakened our gun safety system, and restrict the movement of guns across our borders.
And instead of having a president who winks and nods as white nationalism gets stronger in this country, we will call it out as domestic terrorism and prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law.
2. Create structural changes to pass gun safety legislation.
We’ll break the NRA’s corrupt grip on Congress. I’ve proposed a set of big, structural changes that includes ending lobbying as we know it and slamming shut the revolving door between federal lobbyists and Washington. If I’m elected president, I will enact this package to get our government working for everyone again.
And we can’t continue to allow NRA-bought extremists in the Senate to thwart the will of the people — just as they did when they blocked a majority of 54 senators from passing a background checks proposal after Sandy Hook. To pass lasting gun reform, we need to eliminate the filibuster.
3. Pass legislation to reduce gun violence.
We’ll ensure that safe, responsible ownership is the standard for everyone who chooses to own a gun.
We’ll do that by creating a federal licensing system, requiring universal background checks, increasing taxes on gun manufacturers, establishing a real waiting period, capping firearms purchases, creating a new federal anti-trafficking law, and raising the minimum age for gun purchases.
We’ll do more to keep military-style assault weapons off our streets by passing a new federal assault weapons ban, banning high-capacity ammunition magazines, and prohibiting accessories that make weapons more deadly.
We should also do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of those at highest risk of violence by passing extreme risk protection laws, such as:
- Prohibiting anyone convicted of a hate crime from owning a gun.
- Protecting survivors of domestic abuse by permanently closing the “boyfriend” loophole and expanding the law.
- Securing our schools by improving the Gun-Free Schools Act to include college and university campuses and apply to individuals licensed by a state or locality to carry a firearm.
We must also hold the gun industry accountable by repealing the law that insulates firearms and dealers from civil liability when a weapon is used to commit a crime, allowing survivors of gun violence to hold manufacturers of the weapon that harmed them strictly liable for compensatory damages, strengthening the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, regulating firearms for consumer safety, tightening oversight for gun dealers, and holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable.
Black and Latinx Americans have borne the brunt of the gun violence tragedy in our country. But after being traumatized by gun violence, these communities have been doubly victimized by increased policing and strict sentencing laws.
We have to chart a new path, and that starts with investing in evidence-based community violence intervention designed to stop gun violence before it occurs. As president, I’ll establish a grant program to invest in and pilot these types of evidence-based intervention programs at scale.
We can get all this done — and I’m hopeful because of the tireless work of activists and organizers fighting for change.
Moms, students, and faith leaders have been packing hearing rooms and taking back spaces formerly reserved for NRA lobbyists. Survivors are doing the critical work of turning our attention to the daily gun violence in cities that don’t make headlines.
Together, we can build on this momentum and build a grassroots movement to save lives.
If we turn our heartbreak and anger into action, we can get it done — but it’s going to take all of us. So if you’re in this fight all the way, sign on today to support our plan to protect our communities from gun violence.
Thanks for being a part of this,