The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
Sexual harassment isn’t a Washington problem. It’s not a Hollywood problem. It’s a problem for all of us, and it’s making news even in California’s government.
But while other politicians talk about the issue — or worse yet, try to hide from it — John Chiang released a plan last week to confront it head on in our state.
That’s the kind of leadership California needs now. But with a critical fundraising deadline just hours away, right now John needs your help.
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Some politicians make big promises for things they’ll do after they’re elected to higher office. But John isn’t waiting for a promotion. He’s used the power of the state treasurer’s office to get things done like no one else.
When wildfires struck, John made funds available for recovery. After the Sandy Hook and Las Vegas shootings, John put pressure on state pension funds to divest from guns. And after Wells Fargo committed fraud against customers, John issued sanctions to put pressure on them to enact reforms.
And at the same time, he’s kept California’s books balanced, giving our state a more stable foundation for a better future. With your help, he’ll do the same as governor.
But because John’s a workhorse, not a showhorse, he needs your help to spread the word about what he can do for our state.
Thanks for your support,
Team Chiang
P.S. Want to learn more about John’s plan to prevent sexual harassment and assault? Click here.