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We are competing everywhere this time. And we are going to win.

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I am writing to ask you to make an important $3 contribution before Bernie hits the stage at his homecoming rally in Vermont this weekend.

Here’s why this request is so important:

In 2020, we aren’t writing off ANYTHING. Not a single state. Not a single delegate. Not a single vote. So last weekend, we went to a few states we didn’t do as well in during the last campaign.


Thousands showed up in Asheville, North Carolina. We even needed an overflow area.

Then there was another extraordinary crowd in Augusta, Georgia on a day where the temperature was well into the 90s.

Rally in Augusta

Then we visited Birmingham, Alabama – yes, Alabama – where thousands showed up to join Bernie.

Rally in Alabama
(Photo Credit: Kailani Koenig – @kailanikm)

Now this weekend we are having a homecoming rally in Vermont — one that we hope will be big. And before Bernie hits the stage, we’re trying to generate as many individual donations as we possibly can. This is important:

Please make a contribution to our campaign before Bernie’s homecoming rally in Vermont this weekend. We’re going to compete everywhere in 2020. If you’re with us, we’re going to win.

If you’ve saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Some of our opponents may be able to raise almost $1 million a night at fancy fundraisers. And we are damn sure there will be more corporate-funded outside organizations attacking us and our issues.

But we have the people with us; that is clear. And if we keep fighting, we are going to win this race and transform this country.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


Make a $3 contribution before Bernie’s homecoming rally in Vermont this weekend. We’re aiming for a massive number of individual donations before he hits the stage. This is important.

Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)

PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

 We hope you’ll stay, because emails are such an important part of how we organize and how we raise money. In fact, there is no single greater source for our campaign’s fundraising than emails like this one. And that’s important, because no one person, not even Bernie Sanders, can take on Trump and the billionaire class alone. 

Before you go about the rest of your day, help power our fight against the billionaire class by making a contribution today.