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I wanted to take a moment this afternoon to say thank you for everything you’ve done for our campaign this past month.

Jenn told me a few moments ago that not only did we hit our goal, but we exceeded it by quite a bit. That’s incredible. Please know how much I appreciate your support.

In the last few weeks alone, our campaign received over 20,000 individual contributions from everyday Americans across the country. That’s not something every elected official can count on — and since we refuse to take any money from corporate PACs, your support matters more than it ever has.

It’s because of you that I get to stay focused on doing my job and traveling across the country to support great candidates — like Stacey Abrams in Georgia who I campaigned with earlier this month:

And just this week I was back in California for a town hall with some of my constituents and I campaigned with Gavin Newsom — who I think is going to make a terrific governor with the courage to fight against the Administration’s attacks on our state and our values:

This month I’ll be heading to Wisconsin to support our friend Tammy Baldwin and I’ll, of course, stay focused on keeping up the fight in the Senate.

That means doing everything I can to stop this Administration’s continued attacks on vulnerable communities, especially our immigrant families.

I’ll be in touch soon with what’s next for our campaign. In the meantime, please continue to make your voice heard. As our values of liberty and justice are under assault, we need you to speak out more than ever.

Thanks again for everything you do,

— Kamala

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