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*** No candidate for Governor has been endorsed by the CDP ***

We’re working hard to earn every vote, and it’s a family effort! Here are some of the realities of a campaign:

6am Alarm: fixed kids’ lunch, left thank you note for husband, and kissed sleepy kids as I ran out the door.

– On drive to LA: multiple calls, policy reads, Twitter check-ins, and stops for gas.

– Meetings: listening to what we need in our state, hearing the angst in our communities and inspiring leaders to think differently. Challenging us all to be compassionate, future-oriented, and hopeful.

– Return drive: tired, but decided to get back (a preferred choice because I get to see the kids).

– At midnight: Walk in the door, on the table, poems, pictures, and presents!

Can you help us keep the momentum going? Donate today to support our movement. Thank you!

Best wishes,