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Donald Trump is preparing to repeat one of the darkest moments in our country’s history.

Recently, the Trump administration announced that detained migrant children will be held at a former Japanese internment camp — it’s sick. These are children whose parents hoped would have a better chance at life by being able to migrate to America.

We cannot allow Donald Trump or Devin Nunes to repeat one of the darkest moments of our history by imprisoning children in a former internment camp.

Bobby Bliatout is running for Congress against Devin Nunes because as the patriotic son of Hmong immigrants who came to the United States as refugees, he is committed to fighting for every person who calls, or wants to call, America home. And unlike Nunes, he’s not afraid to stand up to Donald Trump. In order to replace Devin Nunes and hold Trump accountable, we need to create a grassroots army.

It’s time the Central Valley has a representative that will give everyone a shot at the American Dream, but Bobby can’t do it alone. Please chip in $5 or more now to help him beat Nunes in 2020.

As the son of Hmong immigrants, Bobby knows the uncertainty and fear these migrant children are currently facing. His family came to the United States during the Vietnam War. Through the refugee resettlement program, his family was able to settle in the Central Valley where his father worked hard to provide for his family — taking jobs as everything from a Greyhound bus station janitor to a restaurant manager.

Because of the programs set up to help refugee families during the Vietnam War, Bobby and his family were given a shot at the American Dream. But Trump and Nunes refuse to offer the same hand to migrant children, many of whom are fleeing famine, in search of a better life.

Bobby is ready to work toward a better future — for everyone. But he needs your help to win. Please, chip in now to become a founding member of Team Bliatout and help Bobby beat Devin Nunes.

Thank you,

Team Bliatout





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