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The good news is, because of your grassroots support, our campaign has more donors than our opponent David Valadao. By a long shot. We think that speaks volumes about the strength of our campaign headed into 2020.

Despite our grassroots advantage, we were still out-raised last quarter by Valadao. That’s because he got a ton of help from corporate PACs and high dollar fundraisers with Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy.

We have more donors, but Valadao’s donors are making much much larger contributions. So in order to keep pace this quarter, we’re asking our supporters to make donations that are a bit higher than we usually ask for.

Michael, can we count on you to make a $13 contribution before midnight tonight? TJ is depending on your grassroots support to defeat the special interests closing in on our district.

Donate $13

Don’t forget that in 2018 TJ’s race against David Valadao was the closest House contest in California. Despite being written off by the pundits, and going up against a surge of super PAC spending, we held off Valadao with our grassroots momentum. That’s why your support today is so critical.

So thanks in advance for your support,

Team TJ


Paid for by TJ Cox for Congress